Man Fired For Marrying a Porn Star

This shows the idiocy of our country. This would never happen in Europe. In fact the french Prime minister could fuck all the prostiitutes in the world and none of the citizens would care.
I read that during lunch. As the article said he was terminated "without cause" and was given six months of severance. The fact he is married to pornstar would likely affect a small town, at least as far gaining attention they don't want, which probably backfired on them since this story was a top AP article.

The article gives me the impression that he's a quality guy and someone is gonna want him. I'm sure the couple will probably make out better because of the firing.
This shows the idiocy of our country. This would never happen in Europe. In fact the french Prime minister could fuck all the prostiitutes in the world and none of the citizens would care.

She should suck him off on the lawn of city hall!
This shows the idiocy of our country. This would never happen in Europe. In fact the French Prime minister could fuck all the prostitutes in the world and none of the citizens would care.

I would bet there is a world of difference between the hookers that someone like Eliot Spitzer would bang compared to the high end trim available to the French PM. Just a wild guess. :2 cents:


Drama is all I see around me everyday. I think it's what people feed on and some people just like to stir up problems.

Will E Worm

The mayor of a southwest Florida town: fired, hilarious.

Winning a large sum if money in a lawsuit: priceless :hatsoff:
This shows the idiocy of our country. This would never happen in Europe. In fact the french Prime minister could fuck all the prostiitutes in the world and none of the citizens would care.

That's simply not true. In most european countries it would be looked upon with great suspision and it would hardly sit well with your boss if you had a more forward/representative position at work. We've had quite a few political figures having to resign under great "media coverage" due to poor choise of female companionship :) Usually married men having some sort of mistress though, which of couse adds to the scandal-value.

However, you're unlikely to be fired for it due to strong laws protecting the worker's rights. I would be a problem when applying for a now job though.

But then again, the kind of recruitments I do as a consultat are always managerial or high profile in some other respect.

Except for Italy, naturally - but we hardly regard them as european in that proper sense... :rolleyes:
I would bet there is a world of difference between the hookers that someone like Eliot Spitzer would bang compared to the high end trim available to the French PM. Just a wild guess. :2 cents:

Yeah, but we all know Eliot Spitzer should not have gotten fired regardless. He did a good job as mayor who cares he was into a smokin hot call girl and was into socks? :dunno:
Yeah, but we all know Eliot Spitzer should not have gotten fired regardless. He did a good job as mayor who cares he was into a smokin hot call girl and was into socks? :dunno:

He did a good job? Considering his stance against things like prostitution and other things that try to legislate morality, the sheer hypocrisy of what he did makes it impossible for him to have did a good job.
They said the guy "was no going to be able to do his job well". How can they know about it ?

They said that the attention of the medias was inteerupting the official and cause them no to have time to do their job. But now, the medias are there to see the guy that was fired because of his pornstar wife and the guys who fired him.

Everything they say to justify the guy's been fired has now got worse.
Very lame. I read this on Vicky Vette's blog. She said that you have to be unemployed to date a porn star. W/ this economy, that would be me. Which means, yay! I can date a porn star! :)

Still, those fired him suck ass. :mad:

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
George Noakes, manager of the Sunflower Cafe in town, called it "prejudice."

"I thought the guy was doing a good job. I don't understand why his wife is even an issue," Noakes said. "Whatever she does, that's none of our concern. We shouldn't even be bothered with it."

I agree with this citizen.

If and when the Evangelicals ever seize national power again, be prepared for more of the same, on a broader scale.