This shows the idiocy of our country. This would never happen in Europe. In fact the french Prime minister could fuck all the prostiitutes in the world and none of the citizens would care.
That's simply not true. In most european countries it would be looked upon with great suspision and it would hardly sit well with your boss if you had a more forward/representative position at work. We've had quite a few political figures having to resign under great "media coverage" due to poor choise of female companionship

Usually married men having some sort of mistress though, which of couse adds to the scandal-value.
However, you're unlikely to be fired for it due to strong laws protecting the worker's rights. I would be a problem when applying for a now job though.
But then again, the kind of recruitments I do as a consultat are always managerial or high profile in some other respect.
Except for Italy, naturally - but we hardly regard them as european in that proper sense...