dick van cock
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Please do, Nightfly! :wave:Let me tell you something about these kind of murders in Canada.
Please do, Nightfly! :wave:Let me tell you something about these kind of murders in Canada.
Please do, Nightfly! :wave:
This just illustrates one things that criminals can't be rehabilitated and given a second chance and death penalty is an absolute necessity. It also reminded of me of Robert William "The Pig" Pigton's trial http://www.nytimes.com/2007/01/23/world/americas/23canada.html?_r=1&oref=slogin It is not by sentencing a criminal to jail and that paying for him the food and the best comfort that things will be forgotten. Killing and eliminating him is a necessity.
Showing forgiveness to criminals is the worst thing to do, having not a single ounce of pity for criminals is the way to go.
It also strengthened my view about the second amendment which is justified in the USA and too strict or retarded gunlaws are avoiding people to defend themselves.
If I was on the bus I would have shot or stabbed the suspect even if I had to risk my life. I think people haven't chosen to react because they didn't wanted to get hurt and killed. If a similar thing happened in the USA, someone would have shot the guy for sure, many Americans have concilied carry weapon permit.
Sell the "doctor-forced-to-wash-dishes" story to the tourists! I specifically know what you're talking about, and the... ahem... doctor, needed only to pass Canadian Accreditation courses in order to practice... AND FAILED MISERABLY!
Beheading is not a culture in Canada nor a means of killing in the West. But it was used in the East and knife is commonly used in the East, such as Japan and China to commit murder (not guns). Someone originally from another culture who practiced these kind of rituals and settled in Edmonton did these..
Lovejoy, I have no idea what it is like where you live, but up here a person's name and ancestry does not change the fact that they are Canadian. He was living in Edmonton. It would be different if he was here from Vietnam on vacation, but I have found no evidence to say anything but he was living in edmonton. All the new up here says he is from Edmonton. He is Canadian. this could have easily been done by a man of another race. Your just spewing made up facts, that I for one find very racist.