Man Decapiatates Passenger Aboard Bus In Manitoba

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The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Oh, Canada...

Only in Manitoba. That whole place is backwards. :1orglaugh The boredom of the drive from Winnipeg must have drove the man insane.


Oh, Canada...

Only in Manitoba. That whole place is backwards. :1orglaugh The boredom of the drive from Winnipeg must have drove the man insane.

Maybe he freaked 'cause he had to return to Regina Sas. (like living on the moon) :tongue:

At last ! It didn't happen here !

The last time "It Didn't Happen Here" was the story regarding that old shithead that was raping his own daughter in his basement for 20 years (in Austria) . . remember ?

Rejoice ! Savor the moment ! . . . Americans !

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
I guess they better get to work on making all knives illegal...the world would be a safer place.
Absolutely insane.

I heard this on the radio while driving. For a breif moment, it felt like I was in the twilight zone... then I kept driving like I'd heard it incorrectly.

Saw it on the news at night, and I was reminded of what a sick and twisted world we live in.

1st... there is NO way that this guy is sane, and at some point in his life MUST have exhibited some "murderous" behaviour. How did this go un-noticed!?

2nd... How was he able to stab the kid, cut his head off, and eviscerate him on a PUBLIC BUS. Did NO ONE see/hear this!?

Perhaps this deserves a poll question.

BE HONEST! If you were on a bus, and you saw some kid being murdered next to you... would you close your eyes and pretend to be sleeping!?!?!?
This just illustrates one things that criminals can't be rehabilitated and given a second chance and death penalty is an absolute necessity. It also reminded of me of Robert William "The Pig" Pigton's trial It is not by sentencing a criminal to jail and that paying for him the food and the best comfort that things will be forgotten. Killing and eliminating him is a necessity.
Showing forgiveness to criminals is the worst thing to do, having not a single ounce of pity for criminals is the way to go.
It also strengthened my view about the second amendment which is justified in the USA and too strict or retarded gunlaws are avoiding people to defend themselves.
If I was on the bus I would have shot or stabbed the suspect even if I had to risk my life. I think people haven't chosen to react because they didn't wanted to get hurt and killed. If a similar thing happened in the USA, someone would have shot the guy for sure, many Americans have concilied carry weapon permit.


Postal Paranoiac
What's with all of the decapitation stories lately? :spump:


^ I wonder what's with all of the skull apparel people are sporting around these days. :confused:

If I was on the bus I would have shot or stabbed the suspect even if I had to risk my life. I think people haven't chosen to react because they didn't wanted to get hurt and killed. If a similar thing happened in the USA, someone would have shot the guy for sure, many Americans have concilied carry weapon permit.

In today litigious society (of which the far left, socialist - communists amongst us helped create :1orglaugh) people are less inclined to step forward and do the right thing because they don't want some swine of a District Atty to nail them for reckless discharge of a firearm and or "aggravated assault (with deadly force) in the event you were to use your blade in a valiant attempt to save a would be victim. Leftist politicians and their cronies have created this atmosphere where were all in greater danger out on the streets today. How ? Overreaching Legal intimidation.

The only situation where I would want to stick my neck out (so to speak) and get involved in stopping an attack on a fellow joe citizen is if I possessed no assets . . . just like so many criminals today. WTF have they got to loose ? :dunno: Nothing ! Zero Zilch Nada.

Like hell if I would risk loosing any or all of the things that I've worked for in my life, in the form of atty fees ! simply for doing what I know is noble and just !
Let me tell you something about these kind of murders in Canada.

You may never think this will happen but it is the Canadian society that pushes the limits on so many immigrants who are doctors, engineers, professionals and come to the "Promise Land" only to be used as a slave, economic slave to do factory work, wash dishes and cleanse toilet, and work as waiters, drive taxi.

To do those job white people will refuse to do and even the white folks work in the factory, they would not even touch a box !

I hope the truth will come out and tell the world Canada is not a haven for South-East ASIAN and Asian, they are being used as economic slaves just like the Black before the Civil War when blacks were slaves.

Now Asians do most of the heavy labour work for the whites in Canada. I hope the Government takes a second look at how to improve the life of the immigrants.

This kind of beheading by a disgruntled Asian immigrant against a white tells more than racial discord, disharmony, discrimination against immigrants. And brings out the worst of Canada.

Canada has Universal Health Care, has EI, employment and many social benefits, free English language training for immigrants but immigrants can not find jobs and the white managers use extreme brutal force against immigrants especially against Asian immigrants in Canada. I condemn such brutal public beheading but who brought out the five killing by the one lone Asian gunman in Minnesota, and the one lone Asian student shot and gunned down 33 people at Virginia Tech.

What have you guys done to the ASIAN immigrant community who are law abiding and hard-working people but force to be slaves?

Because of constant bashing against Asian workers, refuses to honor their contribution to the Canadian society
This just illustrates one things that criminals can't be rehabilitated and given a second chance and death penalty is an absolute necessity. It also reminded of me of Robert William "The Pig" Pigton's trial It is not by sentencing a criminal to jail and that paying for him the food and the best comfort that things will be forgotten. Killing and eliminating him is a necessity.
Showing forgiveness to criminals is the worst thing to do, having not a single ounce of pity for criminals is the way to go.
It also strengthened my view about the second amendment which is justified in the USA and too strict or retarded gunlaws are avoiding people to defend themselves.
If I was on the bus I would have shot or stabbed the suspect even if I had to risk my life. I think people haven't chosen to react because they didn't wanted to get hurt and killed. If a similar thing happened in the USA, someone would have shot the guy for sure, many Americans have concilied carry weapon permit.

I don't see how this illustrates anything about criminals.The story doesn't even divulge who the perpertrator was and if he had any prior criminal record.
And why do the states with the death penalty have the highest muder rates?That shows the death penalty is not a deterent.Plus when you know about all the many innocent people who were put on death row then cleared using DNA later I can't see how anyone could support it.
And the cost of a death penalty is higher than the cost of putting them in jail for life since we do have some safeguards to try to prevent innocents form being executed ineffictive as they have proven to be.So that not a good arguement for it eithier.
And don't think having a bunch of amateurs running around packing guns deciding I think I have to shoot this guy on the bus is really a step towards general safety.
Let me tell you something about these kind of murders in Canada.

You may never think this will happen but it is the Canadian society that pushes the limits on so many immigrants who are doctors, engineers, professionals and come to the "Promise Land" only to be used as a slave, economic slave to do factory work, wash dishes and cleanse toilet, and work as waiters, drive taxi.

To do those job white people will refuse to do and even the white folks work in the factory, they would not even touch a box !

I hope the truth will come out and tell the world Canada is not a haven for South-East ASIAN and Asian, they are being used as economic slaves just like the Black before the Civil War when blacks were slaves.

Now Asians do most of the heavy labour work for the whites in Canada. I hope the Government takes a second look at how to improve the life of the immigrants.

This kind of beheading by a disgruntled Asian immigrant against a white tells more than racial discord, disharmony, discrimination against immigrants. And brings out the worst of Canada.

Canada has Universal Health Care, has EI, employment and many social benefits, free English language training for immigrants but immigrants can not find jobs and the white managers use extreme brutal force against immigrants especially against Asian immigrants in Canada. I condemn such brutal public beheading but who brought out the five killing by the one lone Asian gunman in Minnesota, and the one lone Asian student shot and gunned down 33 people at Virginia Tech.

What have you guys done to the ASIAN immigrant community who are law abiding and hard-working people but force to be slaves?

Because of constant bashing against Asian workers, refuses to honor their contribution to the Canadian society

Where are you getting your information!?

You may never think this will happen but it is the Canadian society that pushes the limits on so many immigrants who are doctors, engineers, professionals and come to the "Promise Land" only to be used as a slave, economic slave to do factory work, wash dishes and cleanse toilet, and work as waiters, drive taxi.

Total, "I-read-an-articticle-on-the-internet-thus-making-me-an-expert", and DANGEROUSLY uneducated BULLSHIT! If you know ANYTHING about Canada, it's that we pride ourselves on our multi-ethnic diversity. Fuck... we're not perfect. And I am one of the few Canadians that doesn't think that my IQ is a few points higher because I live above the 49th parallel.

You conveniently left out that our government (tax dollars) SUBSIDISE EDUCATION as well. Sell the "doctor-forced-to-wash-dishes" story to the tourists! I specifically know what you're talking about, and the... ahem... doctor, needed only to pass Canadian Accreditation courses in order to practice... AND FAILED MISERABLY!

Don't you dare turn this into a fucking race issue. We're talking about a psycho. This is a human issue.

Humanity appears to be falling apart at the seams... with little left to hold society together.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
This just illustrates one things that criminals can't be rehabilitated and given a second chance and death penalty is an absolute necessity. It also reminded of me of Robert William "The Pig" Pigton's trial It is not by sentencing a criminal to jail and that paying for him the food and the best comfort that things will be forgotten. Killing and eliminating him is a necessity.
Showing forgiveness to criminals is the worst thing to do, having not a single ounce of pity for criminals is the way to go.
It also strengthened my view about the second amendment which is justified in the USA and too strict or retarded gunlaws are avoiding people to defend themselves.
If I was on the bus I would have shot or stabbed the suspect even if I had to risk my life. I think people haven't chosen to react because they didn't wanted to get hurt and killed. If a similar thing happened in the USA, someone would have shot the guy for sure, many Americans have concilied carry weapon permit.

Absolutely correct, in fact, tomorrow I go for my CCW class. It's about time the people took back the street corners, and alley ways from the common thugs.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Let me tell you something about these kind of murders in Canada.

You may never think this will happen but it is the Canadian society that pushes the limits on so many immigrants who are doctors, engineers, professionals and come to the "Promise Land" only to be used as a slave, economic slave to do factory work, wash dishes and cleanse toilet, and work as waiters, drive taxi.

To do those job white people will refuse to do and even the white folks work in the factory, they would not even touch a box !

I hope the truth will come out and tell the world Canada is not a haven for South-East ASIAN and Asian, they are being used as economic slaves just like the Black before the Civil War when blacks were slaves.

Now Asians do most of the heavy labour work for the whites in Canada. I hope the Government takes a second look at how to improve the life of the immigrants.

This kind of beheading by a disgruntled Asian immigrant against a white tells more than racial discord, disharmony, discrimination against immigrants. And brings out the worst of Canada.

Canada has Universal Health Care, has EI, employment and many social benefits, free English language training for immigrants but immigrants can not find jobs and the white managers use extreme brutal force against immigrants especially against Asian immigrants in Canada. I condemn such brutal public beheading but who brought out the five killing by the one lone Asian gunman in Minnesota, and the one lone Asian student shot and gunned down 33 people at Virginia Tech.

What have you guys done to the ASIAN immigrant community who are law abiding and hard-working people but force to be slaves?

Because of constant bashing against Asian workers, refuses to honor their contribution to the Canadian society

I agree dude. You know nothing about Canada, shut the fuck up.

Maybe he freaked 'cause he had to return to Regina Sas. (like living on the moon) :tongue:

Hey, he already went through there! The man is from Edmonton, that seals it. An Albertain having to travel to Manitoba? It was bound to ahppen.
I blame the damn InterWeb and that damn cable channel MTV!
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