Man charges for cheeseburgers

Or maybe it was for icecream. I dunno. Either way, don't get between him and food. :eek:


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Guy in the white shirt looks like he just threw up a little in his mouth and just questioned reality...
My first thought in seeing this was Goro from Mortal Kombat for some reason...
You mean a sexual lava lamp!

You mean there are other kinds of lava lamps that aren't of the sexual nature? :confused:

If there are I think it might rock my sense of reality to its very foundation. I'm feeling very fragile at the moment, do you want to comfort me whims?
You mean there are other kinds of lava lamps that aren't of the sexual nature? :confused:

If there are I think it might rock my sense of reality to its very foundation. I'm feeling very fragile at the moment, do you want to comfort me whims?

Good. My plan worked. Come on over. I will comfort you, alright... comfort you all night long.
It's a trap. He's going to molest you with lava lamps.

Can I come too?

Well lava lamps do look like nice butt plugs. Add in the sensual heat and wacky color scheme dimly showing under the flesh, it will be a big party!
Wait, on which count? I've got the market cornered on the lube front, and I'm drinking a lot of whisky.

You haven't already inserted the pineapple, have you?

Man's quest for lubination hold no bounds but the ones he sets for himself. Thou shall not know where thy pineapple hath been till one sits on the throne of the kings of kings and is judged by all biology to expel it. (Proverbs; 21:34)
Man's quest for lubination hold no bounds but the ones he sets for himself. Thou shall not know where thy pineapple hath been till one sits on the throne of the kings of kings and is judged by all biology to expel it. (Proverbs; 21:34)


And they sat under the pineapple tree, each with their own pineapple. And Peter, who was called Simon, said unto Him, "Lord, where is your pineapple?"

"Blessed are they whose rectum is highly elastic," He said. Matthew 63:35-40

scandalous. :nono:
He looks like hes going into some time warp!