Man Arrested for Squeezing Pimples in McDONALDS...


Works for panties
Why did an off-duty police officer confront him? (only reason I can come up with is that he was just there and tried to run him off)

Someone comes up to me(presumably out of uniform as he was off-duty) and says he's a cop and to stop doing something, I'd tell him to get lost, and wouldn't give him my real name either.

Now once the on-duty cops in uniform show up, that's a different matter.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Maybe he thought it would make their god awful food taste better, aside from that popping and squeezing pimples irritates the skin even more.

Jon S.

That story was stupid on sooooo many different levels. 1st, the guy was actually outside the restaurant. So, what was the point in getting the police involved in the 1st place exactly? I remember the good old days when people knew how to deal with things without involving the police.....ahhhhh, those were the days!!!!! The customers must be really anal to be worrying about what people are doing OUTSIDE a MCDONALDS!!!!! Come on, it's not like it was outside a 5 star restaurant, or even inside the restaurant for that matter! Seems to me that it was another example of people getting their panties in a bunch over NOTHING! See, I'm a mature ADULT, and when I see a FREAK, I am capable of actually just ignoring them and go about my business. Besides, given that it was McDonalds, if I were eating there, I'd be more worried about what was in my food (of course then I wouldn't be eating there in the 1st place! Ha ha ha!), than I would be about what some freak was doing outside the place! Ha ha ha!

2nd, the dumbass popping the pimples was actually arrested for giving false information to police (when he lied about his name), and possession of drugs and drug paraphernalia, and likely running from police (because he knew what he had on him)......& not actually anything to do with the popping of pimples. Had he not had the drugs and stuff, he probably wouldn't have even been charged with saying he was "John Smith" to begin with.

Like I said, STUPID on so many different levels. Ha ha ha!
I wish I could squeeze those plumples hovering just below the small of your back...:o
Why did an off-duty police officer confront him? (only reason I can come up with is that he was just there and tried to run him off)

They work security (in uniform) all the time in major cities.

The guy had warrants and when approached, he ran, he wasn't arrested for being a disgusting scumbag (the jail's would be full if you could arrest people for that!) he just happened to be one!



The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Does anyone else remember when the special sauce was animal semen? Much better flavour than zit juice.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Wow, what a misleading thread title. He was arrested outside of a McDonald's for false informing, drug possession, and being a huge fucking douche bag.

For the record, if an officer is off duty and presents a badge, you better listen to what the fuck he has to say.
wait a second, i need help understanding something here...people were actually grossed out by something while eating mcdonalds "food"? must have been pretty bad...
Why did an off-duty police officer confront him? (only reason I can come up with is that he was just there and tried to run him off)

Someone comes up to me(presumably out of uniform as he was off-duty) and says he's a cop and to stop doing something, I'd tell him to get lost, and wouldn't give him my real name either.

Now once the on-duty cops in uniform show up, that's a different matter.

As far as I know people have the right to request identification that somebody is indeed an law enforcement officer when they are stopped by one for something. (That means being able to see the identification card they carry and not just a badge.) Or at least they are allowed to see it at the first reasonably practical moment, which is usually right away for all non violent situations where action doesn't need to be taken right away.
Eeeeeverybody hates on mcdonalds, but it's the most famous restaurant in the works. Hmmmm.

oh they're a hell of a business, no hating on that, i just happen to find the food that they serve to be revolting...shit, just thinking about makes my arteries clench up in fear :surprise: