Male 2 Male cuddling is considered a gay act?

I am a guy and I am 99.9% straight and I love cuddling with other guys. I am not sure, but I though cuddling was just a friendly type thing with no sexual intention what so ever.

I cuddle with guys for the sake of cuddling, not for anything else. It doesn't matter of I am cuddling with. Whether it be guys or girls or pets.

What do you guys think? Cuddling with guys is gay?

dick van cock

Closed Account
Why do you care what strangers on the internet thingy think?

Do you consider yourself gay? Would it be a shame if you answered that question with "yes"?

Do whatever you please!
Are you sexually attracted to those guys? If you are not then you are not gay or bisexual. I really wish the term gay or homosexual is explained better which is a person is sexually and/or romantically attracted to a person of the same sex/gender and bisexual is a person who is sexually and/or romantically attracted to a person of the same sex/gender and a person of the opposite sex/ gender.


Sexuality is what you feel, as long as it isn't hurting anyone else.
I have a very close knit group of guys as best mates, and we always greet each other with a hug, but i wouldn't say it's cuddling - a cuddle for me involves a lot more of the senses ie. I cuddle my Fiance I can feel the curve of her body, and the smell of her hair, and I can hear her breathing - with the guys its more of a meeting of chests with a slap on the back.

While we are on the point though, no I don't see any harm in cuddling guys - it shouldn't be seen as a "gay" behaviour, it rather tells me that you're quite comfortable with your sexuality - bravo ;)

Will E Worm

I am a guy and I am 99.9% straight and I love cuddling with other guys.

HUH? You might want to reconsider that percentage.

You're probably bi-sexual.

I like hugging. A male or a female (though I prefer female). But cuddling is different. That suggests intimacy. I feel no such way with males. Not so far, anyway.
I've hugged my mates on occasion, mostly when drunk and accompanied with a slurred "I love you man" but sometimes as a goodbye for a long period etc. I don't consider that gay, but neither would I state "I love cuddling with other guys." If you deliberately seek out man-cuddles for pleasure, that may indicate a mild case of gayness or any number of other psychological/emotional needs, but like has been said in many other "is this gay?" threads, unless you have to fight the urge to grab their asses or start fondling their balls, you're probably not flaming.
It would look kinda gay if I walked in a room and saw two guys spooning. But if you say it's not gay, then there is your answer. I'd be a little curious about the other guy... I don't think it's likely that he shares your thoughts on the subject.
I am so straight that I'd eat out my best mate's ass without getting any pleasure from it.

I sure wish I was your best mate!

Hmm.. I'm surprised there hasn't been any flaming on this thread so far, considering the flaming homo that started it! Just kidding, bro! 100% kidding.

What you describe would not be something I would do, and is obviously not for everyone, but like some others have touched on, do what makes you happy, and don't worry about what people think of you or what that makes you.
By your own words it sounds as if you could very easily go the other way. Nothing wrong with it, but not something I do and have no guy friends who "cuddle".
I don't want to sound like a queer or nothin, but I think you've got a really nice ass.
I am a guy and I am 99.9% straight and I love cuddling with other guys. I am not sure, but I though cuddling was just a friendly type thing with no sexual intention what so ever.

I cuddle with guys for the sake of cuddling, not for anything else. It doesn't matter of I am cuddling with. Whether it be guys or girls or pets.

What do you guys think? Cuddling with guys is gay?

Our society do not accept men to cuddle with each others. This applies to all cultures dating back pre-historic era. It is just our culture we do not accept cuddling among males.

Whether you accept it or not, men are taught to fight and defend your family and die in an honorable way instead of such silly, stupid cuddling deviant behaviour.

Male2male cuddling is a coward, feminine gay act. We, as a society, do not accept such behaviour. This applies to every single culture dating back pre-historic times.

It is an abnormal behaviour and only led to further deviant behaviour !:glugglug:

That why school teachers and priests are arrested for such behaviour. Cudddling a male without consent is a criminal act and subject to state persecution !

P.S. I am not trying to inflame this thread instead I do not want you to get hurted on a Saturday night outside the mall movie theatre cuddling another man ! America is not ready for this kind of things. We send men and women to Iraq to fight and die for the glory of freedom and not for cuddling !
That's not for me. I have a bubble space around me at all times that I don't like men, or most women for that matter, entering...

...To be honest, and because you asked, what you stated does seem kind of gay.