Make It "oh-so" Dirty!

Time slowed down, as it does in such situations. However, the blowjob lasted a mere two minutes.

My friend Mary always gives me the best juice.


My friend Mary always gives me the best juice, whilst licking my balls!

The nurse always likes to start off by...
However the matron prefers, much to Feelie's dismay, to have the nurses pull out his scrotum hair with extraction forceps.

I thought I saw a twinkle in her eye when she caught me stopping to admire the soft curve of her well defined figure.
I thought I saw a twinkle in her eye when she caught me stopping to admire the soft curve of her well defined figure. Just before I gave her a facial.

I woke in the morning...
I was in the Freeones forums, and I touched myself while in the Watch that Video thread

I like to eat cheese.


Member, you member...
...and smell my fingers afterward.

Have you ever gone shopping for...
Have you ever gone shopping for... DILDOS?!

I like to watch...
While listening to the conversation next door, I reallized that my neighbors were having sex and, what I was listening, to was them talking dirty.

I walked in on...
Melroy said:
because she isn't used to being double teamed.

two elephants walk into a bar...
"...and get pissed off because the condom machine was all out of extra-extra-extra large."

"My neighbour said to me this morning...."
"Melroy, I'm not pissed because your sleeping with my wife it's because you drink all my beer before you leave."

Jimmy went to sleep, full of anticipation, but little did he know...