Make It "oh-so" Dirty!


Right this is a simple game!

All you have to do is post a sensible sentence (that features nothing rude) and the person below must then make it dirty!

For example, I could put...

"The postman walked up the driveway"

And the person below could turn it "dirty" by saying something like...

"The postman walked up the driveway and got pounced upon by the naked neighbour"

Then that person would create a new sentence for the person below them in the same post...and so on...

Let's see how far we can get

I'll start

"I got in my car this morning and it wouldn't start"
"I got in my car this morning and it wouldn't start, maybe because instead of a keyhole I used my wife's vagina, and instead of a key I used my penis."

lol, guess I'm not very good at this game.:1orglaugh :ban:

"I always watch the same channels at night."
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"I always watch the same channels at night, whilst getting free handjobs from local nurses"

I went to the doctors the other day for a checkup"


"Every time I'm at the grocery store, old women offer me free BJ'S"

The other day I walked through the woods
The other day I walked through the woods.. & got severly tickled by a giant bear.

The other day whilst in the lingerie store...


Member, you member...
...the thong rack just happened to fall in my hands.

I was shopping at WalMart when...
jod0565 said:
...the thong rack just happened to fall in my hands.

I was shopping at WalMart when...

One of the sales clerks jumped me in the sweets section.

In the library the other day reading up on Shakespear when.....


Member, you member...
these two guys came over and asked if wanted to see a cockfight.

Plastic surgery is great, I just had...


Member, you member...
stuffing nuts in my sack, will I be a good boy.

My cow just ran...
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Whilst on my bike the other day, a woman jumped down from a tree and gave me 5 free handjobs.

As I sat in the taxi/cab...


Member, you member...
I noticed I sat in a white creamy spot.

My girlfriend brought over her girlfriend and...
My girlfriend brought over her girlfriend and...

jod0565's girlfriend brought over her girlfriend and they greedily devoured large quatities of my thick hot man custard.

Time slowed down, as it does in such situations.