Sorry to hear this is the case. I know this sounds strange, but have you considered banding with other starlets (Angela White first comes to mind) and trying to build an association (I won't use the full "u" word) to address this?You never know. I was negotiating for a b/b/g scene with a company and they didn't want to pay my rate. Rates keep dropping these days and I have certain standards.
I can only imagine how many people on this board have false notions of all what anal entails, beyond just the general hygiene that people see in film, that is not always the norm with men and women in real life.As for anal, the amount of preparation..enemas, fasting, etc. and then the possibility of still getting poop on someone's dick which would mortify me for the small amount of extra money it pays isn't worth it to me.
I hope you have great luck with that, along with other starlets. The more the money goes directly to you, the better.But as I said, you never know. I am focusing more on my own company and doing things exclusively for that. We shall see what the future holds there.
BTW, your rear quarter shot is still your best. You just best not only women of the newer generations, but make that classic 'cheesecake' vintage shot perfect.
Have a naughty weekend everyone : ) Anyone got fun plans?
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And the problem here continues to be your topping keeps making even amateur shots like this the type of supermodel-grade. And I say that as a body man, you're way too much doll neck-up to keep my eyes from drifting up in even this shot.