
Who's this girl? Face kinda reminds me of Katie Holmes, but i don't think its her.


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she's beautiful... but i think so looks so much hotter in the MAYBELINE commercials... but then again alot of girls are like that, this one is considered good since she still looks good without all the makeupcrap! :nanner:
Yeah, shoulda known it was her. I have a lot of pics of her actually, just couldnt figure out it was her in this one. O well. Oh hey wwfallon, whos the cheerleader in your sig? Is that elisha cuthbert again? Know what you mean about the makeup ryosuke. Well, thanx for all the help. BANG BANG!! HAVE A NICE DAY!! Hehe, Foley rocks!!!


if u like josie maran, (also on the cover of cosmo recently), u'll love her to death if u read the interview maxim did with her like 2 years back, possibly in the issue with shannon elizabeth on the cover... anyways, she's a sexaholic, it's the sexiest thing i've ever read knowing that it came from such a stunning girls mouth.