Macy Sky

I thought I'd compile this visual index for everyone so they can see what sets are out. That way you can more easily check if a new set is out or if you found something that's probably already posted here.

Some of the set names get a bit repeditive and goofy but I didn't make them up. You can compare it yourself. Small previews and set names are availible on and I thought it might be nicer to have it all in one place.

While I'm not trying to sound above anyone who has posted here (Thanks everyone! :thumbsup: ), I really think all you Macy Sky fans should check out my index.
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Tgunz262 said:
I thought I'd compile this visual index for everyone so they can see what sets are out. That way you can more easily check if a new set is out or if you found something that's probably already posted here.

Some of the set names get a bit repeditive and goofy but I didn't make them up. You can compaire it yourself. Small previews and set names are availible on and I thought it might be nicer to have it all in one place.

While I'm not trying to sound above anyone who has posted here (Thanks everyone! :thumbsup: ), I really think all you Macy Sky fans should check out my index.

Well..assuming you do not work for Macy Sky or that was very nice of you.