You know whats another issue that could steer me towards Mac? How about privacy?
Windows 10 was a hot topic for a few months regarding the data mining in the background but it seems like society is becoming apathetic in the fight for privacy. In a world where apps are installed and no fucks given about the permissions, do you think Mac OS and programs is more privacy oriented than Windows?
Exactly. It's like watching a wolf convince a flock of happy-go-lucky sheep that he isn't such a bad guy... all while two sheep a night go missing. Whether it's Android or Windows 10, certain OSs and companies (Facebook, Samsung, Vizio, Lenovo, ZTE, Huawei, etc.) seem to have zero respect for consumer privacy... and/or they actively data mine their customers. If you have Facebook installed on an Android phone or a Windows 10 computer, why even wear clothes when you go outside? Why even have curtains or blinds in your house? :dunno:
Thus far, Apple has been pretty good about guarding the privacy of its users and their data, at least in the U.S. (in China, not so much) - right to the point of making enemies in U.S. law enforcement. But as has been said, it's wise to use spyware protection on any and all computers. Macs are not immune, although the Windows side of my computer is walled off and unable to access the internet.
But Windows 10 is such a deplorable OS when it comes to privacy and data mining that I can't figure out how large, security conscious organizations, like banks and brokerages, can even use it, unless they're able to have it heavily modified (and we don't hear about it).
I've always heard Mac users rave / brag about NOT needing ANY anti-malware programs. They seem to believe / interpret that Macs are immune to malware. I'm more inclined to believe those experts who think otherwise and say that it's not so much that Macs cannot get infected, but rather that their much smaller market share makes malware creators not spend remotely as much time creating malware for Macs.
I agree with you 100%. A lot of Mac and iOS users are
fanbois and have drunk way too much Kool-aid. The Mac installed base is smaller than the Windows base and that's one reason why not as much focus was put on hacking the OS. Another reason is that Mac and iOS are inherently more secure, but they can still be vulnerable. Macs and PCs now share many of the same components and architecture that make both vulnerable to things like Spectre and Meltdown, for instance.