Lucie Lee

Just a few moments with Ms. Lee

Ms. Lee and friend in their version of triage. I love when she offers her anal cavity to a twosome.,4236,0.html

Watch Ms. Lee Watch in the third video of these three.,4236,0.html

My favorites. A 2 and 3 minute video has Ms. Lee offering a close up of her masturbatory moment. You see sometimes I don't have a headache. I simply want to stay home as I have something else I simply want to do.

lisa lucie
Ms. Lucie Lee in green attire and lovely nails

A series of 4 short videos are offered depicting Ms. Lee wearing a matching green top and panty. The green is not a particularly beautiful green, but she shows the outfit very well.

She quickly loses it as she pursues her love interest. Not quite sure if her lover notices such detail. Perhaps, I should write him a letter.

She has done her nails beautifully as well.

lisa lucie
Ms. Lucie Lee in lovely black dress

One always needs a black dress in her wardrobe, and Ms. Lee appears braless in a very tactile one. Perhaps pantyless as well, but not quite certain.

The three video clips show how black can excite two 2 gentleman callers, while the third one provides a lesson of what to do with spew, that upon the excitement of initial jettison, does not quite hits its mark.

lisa lucie
Hi all Lucy Lee fans...

I have built a superb Lucy Lee fansite and need HELP maintaining the site.

I need as many volunteers as possible. NO knowledge of HTML or website building is required.

One member, Yoda03 (above) has already volunteered.

I need more members...It will be the most awesome and exciting fan site of Lucy Lee on web.

So if you are a true Lucy Lee fan, then contribute to make the site better.

PM me your names if you want to HELP! thanks.