Lucie Lee

Re: Lucie Lee making a bit of progress.

lisa lucie said:
If one wants to see the personification of PROGRESS, I humbly offer this Link of Ms. Lucie Lee.


Guys, something is wrong. This isn't our Lisa. She would never just post a link with one (1) introductory sentence, not if it's a matter of utmost importance to her, i.e. something about Lucie Lee.

She might be ill. But I'm afraid worse has happened to the Freeones goddess of prose and poetry. Looks like somebody holds her hostage and has forced her to act normal on the board. And by posting this meager excerpt of her vast writing skills she has send an encrypted message to us, her followers.

Lisa, if you're allowed to read this: Give us another signal! Don't let hope abandon you! We'll come to your rescue! :ak47:
No dings or dongs for Ms. Lucie Lee

Vegas Yankee said:
Guys, something is wrong. This isn't our Lisa. She would never just post a link with one (1) introductory sentence, not if it's a matter of utmost importance to her, i.e. something about Lucie Lee.

She might be ill. But I'm afraid worse has happened to the Freeones goddess of prose and poetry. Looks like somebody holds her hostage and has forced her to act normal on the board. And by posting this meager excerpt of her vast writing skills she has send an encrypted message to us, her followers.

Lisa, if you're allowed to read this: Give us another signal! Don't let hope abandon you! We'll come to your rescue! :ak47:

My Dear Vegas Yankee:

Truely nothing wrong with the Queen-of-the-Multi-Sentenced/Paragraphed-Posting. I am touched by your Posting.

Actually, I just had some real world things
to cause me some dings and dongs
And some rights I had to bring
to a bit of wrongs.

So all is well here on Lucie Lee Lane. I will be posting soon again. I often have to reload some thoughts and my words remain only here in my work. I enjoy writing off the cuff as well as using notes. Often, however, my off-the-cuff remarks cause a bout of unintentional dings-and-dongs to others here on these threads, in other writings, and in my personal life. I am aware of this often only after the dinging and the donging.

So enough of me.
How about
..... a bout
of Ms. Lucie Lee

Now one thing she is not ... is muscle bound ... so when this guy causes a bit of his dinging, it is only right that she tag-teams with a girl friend to dong themselves. And they dong as good a job as one could ding. Their gentleman caller gets a bit of help later, but one can easily tell, the girls won and the last minute arrival is just a ride to take his defeated friend home.
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Retired Mod
Lucie Lee and the ALS Scan Model

Aces&Jacks said:
She's in the running to be the next ALS Scan model. Unfortunately, only members can vote. Check it out.

Thanks Aces&Jacks:

It is tremendous news to know she is considered for ALS Scan Model and even better ............... that you took the time to post it in this Thread. In all fairness, you may want to post the other candidates in other Threads, but please ... please ... please ... lie to me at some point to tell me that you visited this Thread first!!!

********** And before this POST is through, just wanted to remind you, dear reader, that the most important words to this POST is at the bottom of the POST. To entice you to get there, I placed a LINK to Lucie down there too! Poor girl is sans a swimming attire, but truely does not mind it and hope you don't mind her sunglasses that covers her beautiful eyes. I think you will get over it. I did. **********

Now allow me to confess my ignorance before proceeding. ......... I really don't know what an ALS is.

ALS to me:

All Lucie Society

Already Lucied, Sowhat!

Always Lucie Sweet

Aaaaaaaah Lucie's Sweet

If anyone knows what ALS is, then please let me and others know through a post here.

To vote one has to be an ALS member. I don't know what ALS is so I am reluctant to join. I am not opposed to joining a porn site, but never have and not sure if ALS is a porn site. I do have a phone number to call, but was hoping to hear from a member of the society. If I joined, I would want to make it quick and easy. ................. For minimum of one month, to get the experience, and then leave. I would love to know what a porn site is all about as all I have experienced is the free teasers one obtains on the Internet. To me that is enough. Can't imagine what more there is to it at a porn site. You undress, you take pics, you do it. So what else is new.

************* And here is that most important part that I was referring to earlier. If you are a ALS member, and if you have not voted, may I ask you to consider voting for Ms. Lucie Lee. She probably does not need the award, but truely deserves it as she is the only girl I have ever seen that the only thing I don't like about her, is the part that I am not seeing at the time. **********

And here is that link:
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Compete with Lucie Lee? I don't think so!!!!

If one loves Lucie Lee as much as me, it is my good friend Neoat. Did he do us good or what? He searched high and low and found me some LINKS. Three Links, actually. Well, may be he found some for you as well. I really don’t know for sure about him.

If you have not done so already …. Check out his POST #165 the one just before this one. He has found 3 LINKS to Ms. Lee. If you have not seen them yet, I beg you, please don’t rush up there to view them, as I may never ever never ever never never see you again. Speaking for myself, how hard it is for me to even type these words, having to leave his post and Lucie Lee Brand eye-candy … as I had to force my eyes to leave. So, please read these words before darting up to see her.

I wanted to highlight the second LINK he supplied and I have placed it just below. Now, don’t go clicking on it just yet. Just read very fast. You’ll get there.

Anyway in this LINK I am a bit confused?

Is Ms. Lee in a pageant as she is lined up in one of the pictures as if she is competing with other beautiful lassies? This would not be like her, as she knows the table is stacked in her favor at such competition.

OR even worse ………

Is someone actually trying to consider her as having rivals and it truly is a competition?

In any event, I must warn you, Ms. Lee will win both hands and pants down as is evident in the remaining pictures. Now, don’t come calling on me anytime soon as I am on Cloud 9 with Lucie Lee and both hands and pants ….well, just don’t come calling.

And now ... a few words from Ms. Lucie Lee

I wanted to present to you tonight something so special and unique that in the history of this Thread and all other Threads that I have visited where a hint of my Ms. Lucie may appear, I dare say, this is the first appearance of this type of LINK. What could be even more special about Lucie Lee, you might ask? ……….
Good question … just stay with me now. No pushing and keep your hands and arms where I can see them.

By the way, I could have easily started this post with “I have some good news and some bad news”. If I did, and I won’t, the bad news is that in none of the three clips below will you see Ms. Lee in her glory. No, in these clips she adorns herself in bra and panty. ….. But the good news, as discussed in next paragraph, would have been, that just her presence alone is a sight worth all the eye-candy and cheesecake photos ever taken.

Now what is so special about these movie clips? (I love to tease, but I dare not in this POST.) Well, in the first movie clip …. Ms. Lucie speaks. If you have not heard her wonderful Eastern European accent, you are in for a treat. …………… Then, in another clip, she takes a bit of a stroll. You will never see a prettier set of legs taking one step after the other. ………… The last link is a bit of something for the testosterone in you. Worth seeing, but not worth writing home about.

My words do no more for this post. I offer you know for your audio erotic pleasure, Lucie Lee.


Closed Account
Re: Lucy Lee ! ! !

Sorry for never checking out your thread Lisa, I'm lazy. But WOW, I thought you were just a cool chick who made good posts. I never would of guessed you were such a beautiful rising star :) .

You look great. I can't wait to read your next post and see your next pic. Oh yeah you have a really sexy voice too :thumbsup:. I'd like to hear you read one of your posts.

BTW you showed me yours, so I'll show You Mine --> :booty: :moon: .
I am Lisa NOT Lucie Lee ! ! !

x4g63x said:
Sorry for never checking out your thread Lisa, I'm lazy. But WOW, I thought you were just a cool chick who made good posts. I never would of guessed you were such a beautiful rising star :) .

You look great. I can't wait to read your next post and see your next pic. Oh yeah you have a really sexy voice too :thumbsup:. I'd like to hear you read one of your posts.

BTW you showed me yours, so I'll show You Mine --> :booty: :moon: .

No, No, No ... I am not Lucie Lee. My name is Lisa. I am not a rising star. I am but the moon and Lucie is the star that outshines all other galaxies.

Thanks, for telling me I look great. I do OK, but I am not a rising star .......... I am not the goddess that this post is all about. I am Lisa.

Thanks for wanting to read more of my posts. Perhaps, perhaps, as long as my limitations on your English do not outnumber the limitations that it holds on our dear Lucie, words are the only thing I might be able to compete with her in any type of contest.

I assure you though, whether dressed or in birthday suit, Ms. Lee wins not only over me, but all women. It is a fate that we women have learned to accept and, for me, I have learned to love.

And one last thing: I really don't need to see yours. Sorry, I prefer the sight of a perfect Lucie Lee's anything over a perfect anyone else's anatomy.

Love, Lisa
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ALS Scan Model results involving Lucie Lee

I wanted to follow-up an earlier post on this Thread that announced the ALS SCAN Model contest that involved Ms. Lee and a number of beautiful ladies. I was not sure if the results were going to be posted, but figured that it would OK for me to do so.

If you recall Ms. Lucie Lee along with other goddesses was involved in the ALS Scan Model contest. I still have no idea what an ALS is, but a contest is a contest … and when it involves beauty, well I am interested for sure. Anyway the results are tabulated below.

Am I disappointed? Well, allow me to ask you, “Is beauty truly in the eye of the beholder?” Ms. Lee’s looks and my feelings for her are not based on the votes of others.

However, if one can tell me what an ALS is, I will do my best to see to it that Ms. Lee gets at least one more vote if the contest ever involves her again as I may join the organization if I knew what it was. Not sure if it is a porn site … I would not object to it being one, but have never joined a porn site, and just figured one who was already a member could post a bit of what it was all about.


ALS Scan Models Contest

Final Voting Results ending:

Ms. Madison 673
Ms. Faith, 574
Ms. Nella 554
Ms. Mandy 373
Ms. Allison 328
Ms. Lucy Lee 278
Ms. Stephanie 180
Ms. Magarita 75
Ms. Kim 67

According to what I have read from ALS “Based on your voting results, we will be releasing:”
Madison - July 6th
Kim - July 20th
Faith - August 3rd.

ALS further congratulates Madison saying, ”We can only guess that our members fell in love with your huge pussy lips!!!”

Huge pussy lips???? … well, OK. Now I know what we need to work on!
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Retired Mod
Re: Lucy Lee ! ! !

ALS Scan is a site (actually 2 sites - & known for its high quality images that specializes in beautiful young women who, when posing for their photoshoots, must be 1) completely shaven and 2) insert large objects. Fisting and peeing is also a staple of ALS. It is one of the premier web sites and has been around since the late 90's.
Every Which Way But Lucie

I think all of us may have a personal understanding of a silly expression "Every which way but loose". So what if mine is a bit peculiar - "Every which way with Lucie."

Ms. Lucie Lee in the LINK below "looses" standing and kneeling; with one and two gentleman friends, and in a variety of ways to please them. She always and effortlessly adds her special art to any masterpiece. She never tires in her craft. She takes mere art and creates masterpieces ... And to add her personal beauty to the scene as well, I could not think of a better scene to paint to start my day.

For me she redefines the art of love making.

I am not sure if this LINK has been submitted before at FREEONES. Heck, maybe even I submitted it. Well, like I said, "every which way with lucie" and she can "loose" me until I manage to say "Stop" ... a word that shan't ever be uttered through these lips.
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Lucie Lee on Independence and Freedom

For those who may not know American Holidays, this weekend celebrates the birthday of the United States. It is only a bit over 200 years young but has been over achieving since well before its first birthday. My two one-word definitions for America is "Independence" and "Freedom".

I think I am drawn to Ms. Lucie Lee for the same reasons. The LINK below is my substitution of the traditional American fireworks salute for this Holiday. Two of the clips show her demonstrating a woman's right of Independence as she frees herself from a bit of her clothes. (I really like her outfit and would not have minded if she just walked about in it.)

Nevertheless, that is a mute point. Then with her new found Independence, she uses her Freedom in the pursuit of happiness as demonstrated in all the films, but in the last two particularly.

I trust she brings you to finding your own personal pursuit of happiness ... as well as she did her gentleman friend ... as well as she does to me when I watched the films.

She makes me want to celebrate this American holiday, every day and world wide.

Lucie Lee & Pyrotechnic Display - 4th of July Special

Sometimes when you play, you just have to get down and dirty to 'succseed'. In a venue where nothing is probably new, just different players ... the following LINK offers five clips with, if nothing new, at least Ms. Lee offering you her brand of fireworks display as America celebrates its birthday this weekend.

The link below will allow you to see her own brand of professional pyrotechnics. I am touched if you are worried about her welfare, but she is a pro and will be having two obviously well trained assistants.

By the way, one of her gentleman callers offers her his own personal brand of fireworks display in Clip 5. Warning: She is a pro, but please do try it for yourself at home.

And if nothing is truely new, I do enjoy CLIP #2 the best. It takes a special moment for a girl to allow herself to be on display as such ... or does it take a special girl at a special moment to be on display as such .... or is it special for a girl to give one a moment to view her display as such ... In any scenerio, either one of mine above or one that you conjecture, I just love Ms. Lee's "ass such" so very much.

Hoping all Americans have a wonderful 4th of July. The newspapers don't sell love so, and Hate not Love makes headlines, so please remember there are millions around you who do love you. I have always loved my time in America, and although I would not trade my American times for the world, I am so happy that we are all a part of it.

Enjoy the LINK,

Lisa Lucie
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