Lucie Lee and the ALS Scan Model
Aces&Jacks said:
She's in the running to be the next ALS Scan model. Unfortunately, only members can vote. Check it out.
Thanks Aces&Jacks:
It is tremendous news to know she is considered for ALS Scan Model and even better ............... that you took the time to post it in this Thread. In all fairness, you may want to post the other candidates in other Threads, but please ... please ... please ... lie to me at some point to tell me that you visited this Thread first!!!
********** And before this POST is through, just wanted to remind you, dear reader, that the most important words to this POST is at the bottom of the POST. To entice you to get there, I placed a LINK to Lucie down there too! Poor girl is sans a swimming attire, but truely does not mind it and hope you don't mind her sunglasses that covers her beautiful eyes. I think you will get over it. I did. **********
Now allow me to confess my ignorance before proceeding. ......... I really don't know what an ALS is.
ALS to me:
All Lucie Society
Already Lucied, Sowhat!
Always Lucie Sweet
Aaaaaaaah Lucie's Sweet
If anyone knows what ALS is, then please let me and others know through a post here.
To vote one has to be an ALS member. I don't know what ALS is so I am reluctant to join. I am not opposed to joining a porn site, but never have and not sure if ALS is a porn site. I do have a phone number to call, but was hoping to hear from a member of the society. If I joined, I would want to make it quick and easy. ................. For minimum of one month, to get the experience, and then leave. I would love to know what a porn site is all about as all I have experienced is the free teasers one obtains on the Internet. To me that is enough. Can't imagine what more there is to it at a porn site.
You undress, you take pics, you do it. So what else is new.
************* And here is that most important part that I was referring to earlier. If you are a ALS member, and if you have not voted, may I ask you to consider voting for Ms. Lucie Lee. She probably does not need the award, but truely deserves it as she is the only girl I have ever seen that the only thing I don't like about her, is the part that I am not seeing at the time. **********
And here is that link: