Don't get me wrong here. I have nothing against tatts. But, when the fad is over I think there will be more who regret having the ink vs. the proud of their decision to have the ink.

Just my :2 cents:

Yeah, I'm with you on that. I also have issues against certain piercings that likewise never really go away, either. In terms of tats, the worst case I've seen is Janine Lindemulder who for some reason decided to tattoo her arms and she looks like hell; I think she knows it too because most of the vids and pics I've seen of her show her with arm-length gloves, which is kinda a nice look but not so much so when she's in her 50s.

End of rant. For the short term, a "backside target" still looks hot, especially on women with "junk in the trunk".