Loose Change - What Do You All Think?

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This is a very interesting analysis. It may demonstrate that further analysis and investigation is necessary.

However, nothing more!

This video is also compelling and the facts put forth in the narrative are strong. However, it can quite easily be challenged:

"For buildings with a steel support structure, blasters typically use the specialized explosive material cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine, called RDX for short. RDX-based explosive compounds expand at a very high rate of speed, up to 27,000 feet per second (8,230 meters per second). Instead of disintegrating the entire column, the concentrated, high-velocity pressure slices right through the steel, splitting it in half ... To ignite both RDX and dynamite, you must apply a severe shock. In building demolition, blasters accomplish this with a blasting cap, a small amount of explosive material (called the primer charge) connected to some sort of fuse. The traditional fuse design is a long cord with explosive material inside. When you ignite one end of the cord, the explosive material inside it burns at a steady pace, and the flame travels down the cord to the detonator on the other end. When it reaches this point, it sets off the primary charge."

- http://science.howstuffworks.com/engineering/structural/building-implosion1.htm

  • Why was no explosive residue, blasting caps, fuses, wire and other blasting debris found in the wreckage?
  • Of the thousands of people that witnessed the buildings fall first-hand, why has not one come forward claiming that they smelled explosives?
  • Take a look at the photo of the wired columns on the linked page. Imagine the amount of materials that would have been required to take down the three buildings. How could something so grossly complex possibly be kept hidden?

The narrator has noted the importance of 'explaining observations', which is fine from a scientific point of view. However, he fails to answer the massive how? of accomplishing what would be the most monumental covert operation in world history - this is simple logic.
Guys have you watched this video and could you please stay on topic and comment? Just stick to the issues.

Why does this person choose to omit the structural collapse of the penthouse moments before the entire building collapsed which, if seen, goes somewhat towards demonstrating the theory that the structural damage to the support beams in the inner core by falling debris and the intense fire that resulted afterwards is what caused the collapse:

Is it because the whole controlled demolition story is put into some doubt without this piece of information? Surely not....

Can you also see the windows blowing out on that side as if something had collapsed inside prior to the entire building coming down? Yeah me too. Must be the bombs going off early, right?
hey WTC7WasPulled, so with your research skills do you think you could look into seeing if Lady Gaga is a real chick or not?

or answer some of the questions from LOST perhaps?
Dude he'll brand you as a paid disinformation agent.

You get an F in the 9/11 Truth course.

I have brought forth epic video after epic video and you guys just want to ignore the information.

I understand it is scary, or perhaps you are here just to mess up any conversation of 9/11, either way FAIL.

Loose Change got together with award winning actor and star of Rescue Me, Daniel Sunjata, and Daniel Sunjata narrates Loose Change 911: An American Coup with all the latest updates as well as a great step back in time to help you understand 9/11 better.

Full Film, in High Quality

I may have missed a part or 2 but the best thing is to get the DVD or rent the whole movie on Netflix.

It is so much more updated than even the original Loose Change.
or maybe, just maybe......were all intelligent, educated people who just dont believe the "facts" that your putting up due to our own research on the matter. personally, ive taken numerous classes in law enforcement and terrorism in which we specifically focused on 9/11.

and on top of that, we know people in law enforcement, fire response, architecture, building design and various other fields that say your wrong. (i personally dont know people in ALL of those fields, im just expressing the relationships that im sure other posters have)

is it really that hard for you to believe that we in fact dont believe?
WTC7 there isn't anything spoken by twoofers that makes me think twice or question the official story. Specifically anything having to do with the aviation aspect of the 9/11 AQ attack.

You heard me say it AQ......Al Qaeda. No they aren't patsies nor were they framed. They were 19 cock sucking Takfiri muslim terrorists who murdered nearly 3,000 innocent people including fellow muslims.
This thread illustrates very clearly that the public school system is still failing miserably. The government is out to get us!!!!!11111
WTC7 there isn't anything spoken by twoofers that makes me think twice or question the official story. Specifically anything having to do with the aviation aspect of the 9/11 AQ attack.

You heard me say it AQ......Al Qaeda. No they aren't patsies nor were they framed. They were 19 cock sucking Takfiri muslim terrorists who murdered nearly 3,000 innocent people including fellow muslims.

You can choose to ignore the mountain of evidence put forward in all the videos and sites I've shown you. That is a very common reaction. Ignore it because it is too scary. You are one of the weak people that are scared to think outside the mainstream media box.
You can choose to ignore the mountain of evidence put forward in all the videos and sites I've shown you. That is a very common reaction. Ignore it because it is too scary. You are one of the weak people that are scared to think outside the mainstream media box.

Just an example why everything cited from youtube should be absolutely believed
You can choose to ignore the mountain of evidence put forward in all the videos and sites I've shown you. That is a very common reaction. Ignore it because it is too scary. You are one of the weak people that are scared to think outside the mainstream media box.

Wait wait what was the word you twoofers used to use to describe us sane people who refused to believe the tinfoiler conspiracy stuff?

Oooh I know!!


You've put forth a "mountain" of nonsense sir.
You can choose to ignore the mountain of evidence put forward in all the videos and sites I've shown you. That is a very common reaction. Ignore it because it is too scary. You are one of the weak people that are scared to think outside the mainstream media box.

i dont believe a word you say either. because i can see the true facts plain as day. im not scared of what your saying, because even IF the govt became all knowing and powerful somehow, the people will fight back and the people will win. so either way, who gives a shit


AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
Ahem ... can you please just address my answer at 263. You make such a big show of the fact that we all, allegedly, avoid answering your point directly, yet when one of us does, you just swerve away like a compact heading for a moose. So far you have reposted the same YouTube video clip four or five times, accused me of not answering you, yet my reply - sane, balanced and on point - has been sitting on this thread for hours conveniently ignored.

Sack up, dude. You want a point by point debate on every single aspect of every video you have posted?

I'm happy to engage. We'll start a new thread, just you and me, mano et mano, no jokes, no snide asides, and we'll empirically debate and deconstruct every line of every video you have posted.

All you have to do is come to the table with your own voice. You want to make a point - make it, don't use someone else's mouth ........

Gauntlet down, friend.

Sack up or fuck off.


AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
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