Looking for your opinions...


Hiliary 2020
Go on Springer, post a copy of the episode.

I was thinking ask Dr Ruth, but on second thought she'd just tell him to masturbate.

I know how this guy feels though. I had a cousin (now deceased) with a smoking sexy wife.
after a while i avoided that house like The Fonz avoids liver, just couldnt take being near her.


AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
Jon85, my friend.

Here's the thing; you're not going to do anything about it because it would destroy - at a minimum - your relationship with your brother and, most certainly completely fuck the rest of your family five ways until Sunday. So you will sit, and suffer in silence, have frenzied, guilty wanks about her, and spend a lot of time feeling very, very sorry for yourself.

The silver lining is that, one day - and probably sooner than you think - you'll suddenly realize you haven't thought about the whole mess - let alone her - for a day. And when you realise that, then you're on your way back to the normal misery we all enjoy. You'll find a girl (never THE girl. She DON'T exist), get engaged too soon, take a job that's not really what you want, but is OK and will make sure you can support your new family life and the 2.4 teenage ingrates that await you 12 or so years from the 'I Do'

This probably sounds harsh, but you're looking at speeded up film here. Stretch all the above out over 15-20 years, and when you eventually get to look back on the totality of it all, you'll realize that life was pretty good. That you were, mostly, happy or mostly content.

But most of all, you'll find it hard to even believe that gossamer memory of the time you fell in love with your brother's girl. (He won't marry her, BTW. The ones that cause the most angst (knowingly or otherwise) are always the ones that never stay.)

My advice, to be heeded or ignored; go and get yourself laid. make it a nasty, sweaty dirty No Tell Motel, cheap whiskey, good amphetamines, Marlboro, ass fucking event with the sluttiest, funnest girl you can grab onto. It won't stop you wanting your brother's girl. But you will feel a lot better, if only for a day or so.

But that's a start. And the start is always the best part of the beginning of the end .....
how does she act around you?
We are very close, but she thinks of me as a brother. She is loyal to my brother (well, she is loyal in general). Don't get me wrong, I don't want her to "fall for me" and I don't want to feel this way about her, but I do.

it's normal. just make sure ur bro don't knw about it
He doesn't know and neither does she. I keep it to myself and tell no one, I just feel bad for feeling this way about her. Its not just a physical thing, I am attracted to her in many ways, but like I said, I just wish I did not feel this way at all.

How I feel for her isn't ruining my life or driving me crazy or anything like that. Its not like I think about her all the time, I'm just attracted to her, plain and simple. She is a great person and I am physically attracted to her, that's really it. I can keep it to myself just fine, I just wish I didn't feel this way.
How I feel for her isn't ruining my life or driving me crazy or anything like that. Its not like I think about her all the time, I'm just attracted to her, plain and simple. She is a great person and I am physically attracted to her, that's really it. I can keep it to myself just fine, I just wish I didn't feel this way.

I suspect you feel a lot more strongly than you're letting on or maybe you don't even realise it. You wouldn't have been compelled to start a thread on the matter if it wasn't playing heavily on your mind, whether consciously or subconsciously :2 cents:
We are very close, but she thinks of me as a brother. She is loyal to my brother (well, she is loyal in general). Don't get me wrong, I don't want her to "fall for me" and I don't want to feel this way about her, but I do.

i was just asking cause if she's not showing any signs of being into you as well then you have only yourself to keep from initiating anything...should make it easier on you if she's not coming onto you or anything ya know...just do what you can to keep it suppressed
I am attracted to my brother's girlfriend. I would never do anything with her of course, but I am still attracted to her. Is this a problem? Am I a terrible person? How can I deal with this? :helpme:

Do you simply find her attractive junior or you want to fuck her??

One is no problem the other is....

There are many women in my family and otherwise that I find attractive but I don't want to fuck them for obvious reasons.
Here's your solution. Find an attractive woman, wait for your brother to fuck her, make him look like the asshole in all this, take his girl.
I suspect you feel a lot more strongly than you're letting on or maybe you don't even realise it. You wouldn't have been compelled to start a thread on the matter if it wasn't playing heavily on your mind, whether consciously or subconsciously :2 cents:
I guess I do feel pretty strongly, but not to the point where I would act on any of my feelings. Like I said, I just hate that I'm feeling this way about her.

i was just asking cause if she's not showing any signs of being into you as well then you have only yourself to keep from initiating anything...should make it easier on you if she's not coming onto you or anything ya know...just do what you can to keep it suppressed
She doesn't really show any signs. We are very close, but to her, I'm her brother. That's what she says at least. I believe her, which is good, I don't want her to be into me. Like you said, that way I can keep it to myself fairly easily.

Do you simply find her attractive junior or you want to fuck her??

One is no problem the other is...
A little of both honestly. I would never do anything with her or approach her about how I feel, but I do still feel this way. :(


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
My opinion is as follows:


I hope this clarifies things for you :hatsoff:
Could I get some real replies please? Thank you to those of you who gave me some actual advice, but if you're just going to spam the thread or post silly nonsense, I would appreciate it if you didn't bother posting.
Here's what you do lil bro, go for a walk & take a step in the freshest dog shit you can find,
Take it in, I mean really smell it. Then picture her taking a dump, think as nasty as you can, & The urge will subside....... Wash, Rinse & Repeat :D


Lost at Birth
Well, i look at it this way - Before I hooked up with my current GF there were lots and lots and lots of hot women out there in the world that I was attracted to but I only had one brother who was and is an awesome friend. It was a no brainer for me to ignore my attraction to his girlfriends cos Ive been attracted to every single one of them yet it simply wasn't worth it. This may sound sexist but few girls are and I'm sure plenty of girls would say few boys are worth that drama as well.

The other thing and probably even more precedent than the first thing I mentioned is I wouldn't have a chance to win a woman from my brother and he would be able to easily steal any woman from me. I don't need that competition so again, no brainer because If you go after your bro's woman then it's only fair that he goes after any future woman you get. And lets face it, he'll be highly motivated to do so. You want to open that can of worms?

However, if your brother is a jerk and you really don't give a shit about him then all's fair. Fuck her brains out.

But again, there are an estimated 3,301,112,087 women in this world. More than a few of them are gorgeous. The fact that you said you would never do anything with her leads me to believe you realize that someone just as hot will come along for you to pursue and you'd be right. I never believed in that fairy tale saying people subscribe to that there's only one mate out there for you. There's lots and lots....now go find 'em!