Looking for vids of plumper Helena/Lauriel

The tendency of some porn actresses to use a common name makes it hard to track down videos, but I managed to catch one featuring a slightly exotic plumper named Helena (also known as Lauriel) who I've been a fan of since she first posed in Score about 10 years ago:


I'm actually not a huge fan of her in her plumper mode (as seen here, though she's not too bad - there are a couple recent vids and clips i've seen where she could almost be called BBW), but I know she made a number of videos back when she was short-haired and more of the Daphne Rosen type in terms of her build. That said, vids with her are rare enough that I'll take her no matter what shape or size she's in. Can anyone post any other clips of her? (And has she ever worked under any other names beside Helena or Lauriel?)

I just did another Google and the only page I could find is this directory entry which has a photo (no vids) of her, in case that might help in recognizing her.

