Looking for Serena Austin hardcore pics, videos

Outdoor pictures of Serena Austin:



As mentioned in the other SA thread, she seems hard to find. Definitely, busty-amateurs2.com has the most of her as also mentioned and the only complete videos I could find. And believe me, I've searched.... LOL!

There's something about her --- the confident girl next door type with the great rack ...... who'll also do hardcore. She's also one of those girls that are more photogenic in video than photos.

As far as her working again, I'm not clear on this. Anyone know? There are some series on BA2 that the original bustyamateurs.com didn't seem to have, so that would suggest that. She also looks a little older and has a little bit different hairstyle. Of course, a lot of these girls kind of drift in and out of these things, so who knows. But if anyone does know anything about her, if she's working again, etc, please let us all know.

And if you've found any links to SA not mentioned here or on the other thread, please post your links.
