Looking for pornstar sites

I'm looking for a good pornstar site to download videos from. Something like Deluxe Archives, but not part of an AVS system if possible. I'm specifically trying to find one with Jenny Fields videos. Any links?
Well I think the kind of web site you want, it will be a web site that you have to pay to see long videos, else then that, it will be doing some search on kazaa or imesh for full videos. Every pornstar have their own web site, example: if you want the official web site of Tiffany Towers, you just go in her freeones profile, and normally it there.
The star i'm looking for doesn't work anymore and wasn't popular enough to have a site, so I have to find a site that has her DVD's in downloadable format (preferably not streaming). Any ideas?
Hmm, for DVD downloads I'd really recommend Videos Z or Zero Tolerance On Demand, but unfortunately both don't seem to have any Jenny Fields videos.

From what I found, she starred in like 12 movies, most of them being samplers, some by private, but I can't imagine where you could download them, the best way is probably to order the DVDs online, the big shops always have alot more variety than any download site...I know, not the solution you are looking for, but....:dunno: