Looking for college party video

In the last few years I've stumbled across a video set at (I believe) a college party in an apartment. The cameraman approaches two cute girls outside on the balcony and says to them "You've won!" They ask "Won what?" and he says (total BS of course) that there was a survey of all the party guests about who they'd like to see fuck in front of everyone, and they won! It takes a tad bit of convincing ("C'mon, you guys are fucked up right?") but they consent and go to it right in the middle of the party.

One girl was obviously a porn star (blonde, small-ish boobs) her name was even in the title of some of the vids I've seen. The other girl was more plain looking, but just as game. The title might have had the word "tricked" in it, but I still can't seem to locate it. TIA