Looking for an asian porn star

I remeber this cute asian girl which played in some american porn videos, if i dont remember wrong she was/is married to an male porn star, they did movies togheter, does anyone of you know which girl im talking about?




  • 10.jpg
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a blond asian the hair most be painted then i dont now for now maby i´ll find let me look around ;9


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Kenpo, that is a great pic of Asia!! I think she looked her best before her implants. IMHO.

Do you have the link to that entire set?



I think the lady you might be looking for goes by the name of KASCHA. She has been retired from the industry for quite some time now. She has (had) blonde hair (and blonde pubic hair as well), blue eyes, and always performed with her husband (who is of French extraction).

Images and videos of Kascha are extremely rare and hard to come by. What few are out there are limited to about five, maybe six sets (not all complete, I might add). I've only come across one or two whole videos on LimeWire and KDX.

-- http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=Kascha&btnG=Google+Search

-- http://www.bomis.com/rings/kascha2/

Best of luck!

** Click on the very last link on that Bomis address above and you'll find a pretty good gallery of her. I hope this is her! Like I said, a lot of her stuff is EXTREMELY hard to come by.
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