Long shot...

The first two links are not working for me. I am new here, but I think that may be hot linking, or you have just made a simple mistake. Even though the first two links don't work, it is easy to see that you meant the 2nd and the 7th pics. I don't recognize her. Other people should be able to figure out what pictures you mean, but You Might want to edit your post by attaching the two pics of the girl you are looking for.

Happy hunting.
Yes, it seems that the links won't work. However, if you click at the links they will try to open the pictures in a new window. All you see is the text "Forbidden...", but if you mark the adress in your browser and press enter, the picture will show. At least that's what happens to me.

Sorry, I don't know how to fix this. Still hoping someone will recognice her though...


Don Trump calls me Pornography Man
The real long shot is that all three of the links worked for me :shocked: although the sucess of viewing links 1 & 2 was via C & P (after a refueling stop at Kearney, Illinois).

Sorry, don't know who she is.