*lol* Democrats cave on DACA, Schumer Shutdown ends, no blue wave in sight

Yes, actually.
And there are tens of thousands of them buried in military cemeteries in the USA and all over the world, including France.

They wouldn’t recognize or be Democrats today.
Lots of dems were casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Can we have a little respect for them, please?

You seem incapable at times of understanding that the democrat base is overwhelmingly moderate and made up of people who love their country just as much as you do.

contemporary Democrat generals (among others):
Stanley McChrystal
Wesley Clark
Ricardo Sanchez
Asked by a Democratic lawmaker a while back why there weren't more democrats in the military, General David Petraeus smiled slyly and said, "there are more than you think.'”
Jim Mattis even has a fair amount of "liberal" in him.
Lots of dems were casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Can we have a little respect for them, please?

You seem incapable at times of understanding that the democrat base is overwhelmingly moderate and made up of people who love their country just as much as you do.

contemporary Democrat generals (among others):
Stanley McChrystal
Wesley Clark
Ricardo Sanchez
Asked by a Democratic lawmaker a while back why there weren't more democrats in the military, General David Petraeus smiled slyly and said, "there are more than you think.'”
Jim Mattis even has a fair amount of "liberal" in him.

I seriously doubt after the way McChrystal departed active duty that he votes Democrat now.
Petraeus has to plea to avoid a felony conviction and Wesley Clark...

:rofl: :rofl:

He’s a fucking idiot. Worst Supreme Allied Commander ever.
You're welcome to your opinion.
Point is (again) that the United States armed forces are not and never have been some exclusive club for right wingers.

I'd like think you and Georges would honor ALL of those who gave their lives and limbs for this country, and for his; not just the ones who share your politics.
You're welcome to your opinion.
Point is (again) that the United States armed forces are not and never have been some exclusive club for right wingers.

I'd like think you and Georges would honor ALL of those who gave their lives and limbs for this country, and for his; not just the ones who share your politics.
All I am saying is many of those that gave their lives would not recognize their party today.
Some of their brains still work better than the Liberals of today.

Then they would tell you they did not fought and die to see their contry fall into the hands of the very same people they fought against. That they did not die fighting the nazis only to then see their country ruled by a President who thinks there was "very fine people" among the charlottessville neo-nazis
Then they would tell you they did not fought and die to see their contry fall into the hands of the very same people they fought against. That they did not die fighting the nazis only to then see their country ruled by a President who thinks there was "very fine people" among the charlottessville neo-nazis

There were very fine people there. The ones that believed that Confederate statues are a part of history and for some, part of their heritage.
How many Jews were in Adolf’s inner circle?
How many were “ counselor to der Fuhrer”?
Then they would tell you they did not fought and die to see their contry fall into the hands of the very same people they fought against. That they did not die fighting the nazis only to then see their country ruled by a President who thinks there was "very fine people" among the charlottessville neo-nazis

"fall into the hands". George W. Bush was also called a "nazi" by ignorant leftists, as is any republican by these halfwits.

They also didn't fight and die so professional athletes could take a knee during the national anthem. Oh wait, they did.
"fall into the hands". George W. Bush was also called a "nazi" by ignorant leftists, as is any republican by these halfwits.
I never did

Seome people called Bush a nazi, some called Obama a commie. Halfwits on both sides


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