Little Cookie

Re: New babe added to FreeOnes: Little Cookie

Love her PunkGrl sets - all two of them:

She has several tattoos in these sets, so these are newer than the ones on And these are a couple years old - looks like the "new" sets on the webpage aren't all that new. :p

Her sets are definitely old, in her Magazine set she's holding an Elle Canada issue dated September, 2005.
In the Denim Doll set she's sitting on a CRT television and there is a Tomb Raider poster hanging on the wall, a movie which came out in 2001 and I strongly doubt a poster would remain looking that new by now unless it was kept in storage and recently put on, which would make absolutely no sense.

Add the above to her appearing in videos and sets with Dawson Miller and the tattooed sets from punkgrl in which she looks older, then it's certain that she hasn't shot any new sets in a very long time and her website is merely whomever ran Dawson's digging up old galleries and charging for them with while releasing them at a slow pace to milk out as much cash as possible.

Which is a real shame, Cookie is attractive enough to have made me look actively into why there weren't albums of her coming out at what is usually the pace for someone who has a new site launched, and then post about it here just to share the facts with others, knowing that I am not the only one who is simply captivated by how tasty she looks.