Lita Chase

It is a shame for us porn lovers that Lita didn't do more than she did. I first saw her on a California Cocksuckers video and then saw her on MILF Hunter. Oh my god I though she was amazing fucking on camera. Oh well I suppose, I always have that hot MILF Hunter vid to watch.
Re: lita chase

lita is one of the earliest one of mifhunter with the episode being called perfect stranger. usually a search with name, episode or a number like Milf15 gets the desired result.
change the nos to 14, 16, 20, 22, 27, 34 for more image and teaser clips..enjoy....
if this helps do let me know...if not then too :p


lita is one of the earliest one of mifhunter with the episode being called perfect stranger. usually a search with name, episode or a number like Milf15 gets the desired result.
change the nos to 14, 16, 20, 22, 27, 34, 770 for more image and teaser clips..enjoy....
if this helps do let me know...if not then too :p
