Bikers - Ignore speed limits...and just about every other rule
Taxis - (see above)
Timid drivers - The sort of people who are scared even before they start their car up...never mind drive it.
If it's really that scary GET THE FUCKING BUS!
People who buy big gas guzzling exec cars - capable of over 100mph and they tootle around at 20mph. IF YOU WANT TO GO THAT SLOW BUY A BICYCLE...IDIOTS!
Roadworks! - Goddam Fucking roadworks...everywhere you go.
I mean, are the roads just gonna break-up and sink into the earth if they aren't dug up once in a while???
and for fucks sake, WHY dig them up during the rush hour??..fucking moronic planning.
Boy Racers - Look you pre-pubesecent dickwads, I DON'T want to hear thumping repetitive bass coming through my open window or your noisy drainpipe exhaust.
Your Music is shite, your car is shite and your face resembles a badly made FUCK OFF!
People who park in 'loading only' areas - How ignorant can you be??...are you blind or just retarded?. If I have to make a delivery, I want to be able to park close to the place I'm going.
You silly arseholes just pull up where you like and then run to the bank/shop/Off-licence...
How about I come and park in your driveway and then fuck off and do some deliveries??...
No, thought you wouldn't like that...
TWATS..every one of them.:thefinger