List of things you bitch about while driving


what the fuck you lookin at?
Should be interesting and a very long list!

To start with:

Slow fuckin drivers...MOVE YOUR ASS BITCH!!! :thefinger
Yeah,and old fuckers that drive 10km below the limit.
Cunts that indicate at the last second,im more tolerant if they do it early.
Waiting for someone to pass the intersection you are stopped at but they turn down the street you're on without using their flasher! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!
bumps and pot holes
people who don't know where their signal light switch is
people who have no clue what a dimmer switch is for
slow drivers


The damn bus was 35 minutes late today, yet 4 empty buses drive right by the depot and dont even pick us up. How fuckin retarted is that, i mean if the bus is gonna be late and there are fuckin empty buses just driving by and parked on the side of the road, they least they can do is get one to replase it.

But it was not all that bad, I was siting beside a hottie, so it made up for the bus being late:cool: :thumbsup:
I'm driving down a two lane highway. Everything's good. Then somebody pulls onto the highway in front of me, making me slow down, sometimes very quickly! And there's nobody behind me! The person that pulled out in front of me could have waited two seconds and then pulled out behind me. Then I wouldn't have to slow down!
What makes this worse is when they pull out in front of me, drive on the highway for a mile or even less, and turn. Now I have to slow down again!! AAAAARRRRGGGGGHHHH!!!!
People that leave their turn signal on.

People that drive just below the speed limit. They get a train of cars in back of them just waiting for an accident. At least the people going 10mph below the limit are easy to pass.

When somebody will take forever to turn when you’re in back of her.

When the other driver sees you coming and quickly whips out in front of you, and then proceeds to drive slowly. Couldn’t they just wait until you pass?

People doing their makeup, or not paying attention while on a cell phone or eating.

People that will tail gate you for no reason and not pass even when you slow down and pull of to the side.

People that speed up to beat the yellow light.

People that wait forever to move when the green light pops up.

When there are drivers that are going way too fast on snowy conditions.

People that don't clean off their automobiles so you can see through their windows to what is in front of them.

People that have windows that are dark.

When people can't drive well enough to park in the middle of a parking spot.

When turn signals are not used.

Old people that can't stay in one lane.

Fishtailing semi trucks.

Minivans that you can't see around.
people that drive slow in the fast lane of a 4 lane highway, even though the is a sign that says not to. and the wont get the hell out of the way, then get all pissy when u flash your lights:mad:


what the fuck you lookin at?
people who can't pick a damn lane by riding on the line between the 2 lanes on a 4 lane road while driving under the speed limit
pissing motorbikes overtakeing on bends :violent: :cussing: :cussing:motherfuckers :mad:
Slow Ass Drivers

Old Aged Drivers...and most important of all.....

WOMEN DRIVERS!...they never know where they are going


The damn old cooks on there scooters need to get the fuck off the road. They need to realize that they are not vehicles and that they should follow the same rules as pedestrians.

This old guy was driving on the side of the highway, how dumb is that!
People who drive side-by-side on a four lane highway, and I can't get around them because they won't get out of the way!


Closed Account
I just came off of a 3,000 mile road trip so....

Slow drivers in the left lane, people that don't use their signals, semi's that thoink they can pass quickly and people in a huge hurry to get where they are going and slow me down by being assholes !!
Bikers - Ignore speed limits...and just about every other rule

Taxis - (see above)

Timid drivers - The sort of people who are scared even before they start their car up...never mind drive it.
If it's really that scary GET THE FUCKING BUS!

People who buy big gas guzzling exec cars - capable of over 100mph and they tootle around at 20mph. IF YOU WANT TO GO THAT SLOW BUY A BICYCLE...IDIOTS!

Roadworks! - Goddam Fucking roadworks...everywhere you go.
I mean, are the roads just gonna break-up and sink into the earth if they aren't dug up once in a while???
and for fucks sake, WHY dig them up during the rush hour??..fucking moronic planning.

Boy Racers - Look you pre-pubesecent dickwads, I DON'T want to hear thumping repetitive bass coming through my open window or your noisy drainpipe exhaust.
Your Music is shite, your car is shite and your face resembles a badly made FUCK OFF!

People who park in 'loading only' areas - How ignorant can you be??...are you blind or just retarded?. If I have to make a delivery, I want to be able to park close to the place I'm going.
You silly arseholes just pull up where you like and then run to the bank/shop/Off-licence...
How about I come and park in your driveway and then fuck off and do some deliveries??...
No, thought you wouldn't like that...

TWATS..every one of them.:thefinger