Lisa Sparks / Lisa Sparxxx


Official Checked Star Member
Titty Tuesday

Hey Lisa. I was just curious, you have a new video coming out on your website called "NYC Meet 'N Greet." When was this shot and does it involve fans?
Hey Lisa. Not to be a pain in the ass, but the release date for your new video on your website NYC Meet 'N Greet was originally August 2nd. It's was then moved to the 5th and now it's the 15th. I know your site gets updated with higher quality videos, different formats to download from, etc and the dates change often because of this. Is there any way you can lower the date for the release? I'm such a HUGE fan and I know you don't shoot as often as you use to, so I was pumped to see new material coming out. Sorry to bother you with this, I'm sure your busy.


Official Checked Star Member
Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner :) I am glad someone else knew the I have shot so many I can't keep up with the names :)
Hey Lisa. Just watched your new video released on your website. You look INCREDIBLE. It's a shame the guy couldn't "perform", but I can understand the pressure. I hope you shoot more often, so we can see you getting drilled properly.