Links to Love

Curious that my last 2 attachments above got deleted ....
neither one broke the copyright rules, not Playboy or Suze,etc.,
and I genuinely posted them to see if someone could positively ID her... so what gives? Who was moderator during afternoon Monday? :confused: :confused:
i am confused to see also pics deleted:confused: :confused: :( :(
Deranger, it's okay, I'm not charging subscription fees to this thread!

And Pakester-thanks for the ID on Maya Devine aka Wendy... You know what's funny, from what I have found of her in other links (not a
whole lot ) she just doesn't look as good to me as she does in those 1st two. I'm also shocked that a bio on her lists her as born in 1971... but she's getting passed off as a "mature" model!
Geez, I'm a year older than her!!:(
(assuming of course she doesn't lie about her age--she could pass for a sexy 40 yr old )

Anyway....onward !
Another hot Milf ...
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very cool link geyser:hatsoff::thumbsup:

very cool babe, nice face, nice pussy and nice tits

you have good taste in women.


warmest thanks physical:hatsoff::thumbsup:

this is one hot babe

