I think if they did more shoots like they did with Crista Flannigan and Daisy Lowe with alot more full frontal nudity than I think you'd see a comeback. They need to stop banking on all these celebrities who won't go full frontal and show everything and trying to rebuild the content again and become more cutting edge like they were back in the 60s-70s.
As for Lindsay, when she was more buxom and red headed, she was definitely much better looking. I will say that the Marilyn Monroe pics from New York Magazine a few years ago were quite nice, especially since Bert Sterns shot them.
She is terribly a trainwreck right now with no sense of human reality. If someone really cared about her, they'd move her out of Los Angeles and bar her from Las Vegas and New York. Have her find a place that's not one of those cities and maybe the self-destruction might slow a bit.
She's still very attractive and the magazine (when or if it comes out) will sell alot of copies. Playboy is basically Maxim with boobs and more political content. I'd trade a Lindsay Lohan Playboy shoot for a lesser known actress who'll go all out with a decent set of non-doctored photos any month of the year.