I soooooo wish Lindsay was giving that guy head....but I wish more that it was ME she was giving head to....

Upside: for a star, Lindsay likes to give, and in public
Downside: No idea if thats her, or if she swallowed...

The Satyr Icon
wtf so whatt was she doing? :p


Nikkala made me do it!
Calm said:
I love this one paragraph here:
I'll be more than happy to take Lindsay's word for this since I usually prefer anything but redheads. Not because I'm exclusionary, but because the only redheads other than Lindsay I can think of right now are Mrs. Garrett and Molly Ringwald. And I'm sure I'd rather masturbate to a video of a plane crash than picture either of them shopping for anal beads.
Mrs. Garrett? LMFAO :rofl2: