Peter Gazinya said:"looking extra pretty" - you mean like if you put make up on a chimpmunk, it would look "extra pretty"?
"The second link has some of her best pictures" - you mean the pictures that are either black and white or so fuzzed out that you can't see her skin resembles that of a 91 year old skin cancer patient in Vero Beach, FL?
Now that's a matter of taste and there's no point arguing over it. She's obviously not to your liking, that's fine, but she is to others and if they think she looks good who are you to pass judgement?
Peter Gazinya said:And here was the zinger - "the asthma is believable but the drugs could just be a hangover." Yeah, umm, ok. More like "thank god she finally admitted to the drugs, and nice try on the whole "asthma" thing". Hellblazer, you must still be young enough to believe what people tell you. God bless you while that lasts.
2 things. The press knows how to take things and blow them completely out of proportion. Even if that isn't the case here, celebs still say and do all sorts of things for some publicity, anything to get another 15 minutes in the spotlight.
And secondly, I'm not here to dwell on her personal life, I don't care if she's a pothead or is getting her masters in psychology; Lindsay did some drugs, big fucking deal, she's about 20, an age where most of us expirement new things and I'm pretty sure you have a friend or two who is using drugs, I know I do.
I don't want to make a big deal out of this, though. I try not to argue over the internet since I tend to get mad easily and this really isn't the point of this topic.