Linda Chavez Blasts UW-Madison over Anti-Asian, White Policy

I don't get it. Anyway, if we are going to get into things like sub-prime lending and the like this thread will go off the rails quickly.

You realize you enjoined a contention that America is less competitive and failing because some people (blacks and latinos) are getting schooling and jobs they don't deserve, right?

Quantitatively the only place I can see reason in that theory was GWB and the US Presidency but he was white. However, when we look at the malaise the US finds itself right can honestly say that it's blacks and latinos who have gotten jobs in the Auto industry and mortgage banking industry which has brought our circumstances to pass??

It's blacks and latinos who have shut down American factories to ship jobs overseas? :confused:
Well who didn't know that? Of course white students are held to a higher standard grades-wise than minorities are.

White people bitch and complain way too much nowadays. Their bitching is about as bad as that of 2008 Obama supporters, and it's getting annoying.
What would Larry Elder say?

I hear that in Merika the blacks are getting everything while the whites are getting nothing.

Can any of the forum retards confirm/deny?

oh its true

all the blacks and mexicans are ridin around in BMWs and Cadillacs given to them by the g'ment

all the whites could hope for is a Ford Focus at best:r:


Clint is the m

oh it's true

all the blacks and mexicans fucked up the banks and the US economy and instead of sending them to jail the g'ment gave them an affirmative bail out

all the whites could hope for is a food stamp at best

word to a MOFO zolf. : :

As always, you all miss the point (or lie and mislead the discussion away from the point).
What would Larry Elder say?

Probably something 'Stupid' BSS. Probably something stupid.:2 cents:

(And it is with great disappointment that I acknowledge the clown received his Law degree from Michigan:facepalm:. I wonder what role affirmative act had in that fact.) was the blacks and the latinos who ran the country up on the rocks, made the bankrupting decisions at GM, Chrysler and the banks.

C/ can do better than that...Just take a little of the emotion out of your rationalizing.

No HM, not "the black and the latinos" but the general trend in our culture of lowering the bar for more people to "pass."

Empirically, you can't possibly say that this trend isn't true and that it hasn't begun to undermine our position as a leader in the world in all fields. :2 cents:
And for the record, how come Asians aren't counted as "minorities" when scholastic achievement is discussed? Oh that's right... because on average, they do the best. That's intellectual dishonesty and it's a sham... call it what it is... a race-based bias to help one "group" at the expense of another, and it's WRONG, no matter who is benefiting. :2 cents:
As always, you all miss the point (or lie and mislead the discussion away from the point).

I'm quite sure we understand the point you're making as you've made it many times in many similar threads. :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :hairpull:

The real point is do you understand what we are trying to tell you, Scotty. I don't think so. :2 cents:
The real point is do you understand what we are trying to tell you, Scotty. I don't think so. :2 cents:

Of course. You're saying whites rule America, so you generalize that all whites are privileged and therefore have no right to complain...about anything. But even though they are the largest makeup up those in poverty (which you and all those I quoted conveniently avoid), you don't give a shit because of their skin tone. But they are not the only ones being discriminated against, it is Asians too. UW-Madison is a shit school either way, so I don't give a hoot. I just posted the thread to inform people.
Of course. You're saying whites rule America
:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :thumbsup:

so you generalize that all whites are privileged and therefore have no right to complain...about anything. But even though they are the largest makeup up those in poverty (which you and all those I quoted conveniently avoid), you don't give a shit because of their skin tone. But they are not the only ones being discriminated against, it is Asians too.

I got "NO" problem with complaints from anyone, regardless of skin colour. However the fact is the average poor white man still has far more opportunities to rise up in America than the average poor black man. If you have any "credible" evidence to prove me wrong, post it.

UW-Madison is a shit school either way, so I don't give a hoot.

Glad to read you admit you "don't give a hoot" coz that's pretty obvious. :clap:
I bet you "don't give a hoot" about Asians either.

I just posted the thread to inform people.

Scotty, I'll let you in on a little secret. A lot of people figured that out a long time ago. :1orglaugh

I look forward to your next "racial" public service announcement. :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :bang:

Your Serbian friend should be arriving any time soon. :popcorn:
I look forward to your next "racial" public service announcement.

Here's mine:

Get off your asses go to school and compete like everyone else. Can't cut it? Too bad go to trade school. Can't compete? Blame your yourself.

I got "NO" problem with complaints from anyone, regardless of skin colour. However the fact is the average poor white man still has far more opportunities to rise up in America than the average poor black man. If you have any "credible" evidence to prove me wrong, post it.

Your Serbian friend should be arriving any time soon. ::

Were you the fat hippy kid at the front of the crowd in the video? The one who looks like he hadn't had a decent shower in a week or so? Way to shoot yourself in the foot, champ. :1orglaugh
Were you the fat hippy kid at the front of the crowd in the video? The one who looks like he hadn't had a decent shower in a week or so? Way to shoot yourself in the foot, champ. :1orglaugh

:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :thumbsup: Yeah that's me. How did you know? :facepalm:

Nice diversion, Scotty. 10/10 :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :thumbsup:

Gotta!!! :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :1orglaugh
Why should I bother discussion/debate/argument with a fascist? Seriously, you aren't worth my time.


Scotty, you don't have any evidence to back that up and you know it. :facepalm:

I challenge you to show me "one credible" example. Go on!! You can't. Fact!!!

UW-Madison is a shit school either way, so I don't give a hoot. I just posted the thread to inform people.
I got ya and you know it. :2 cents:
, you don't have any evidence to back that up and you know it.

I challenge you to show me "one credible" example. Go on!! You can't. Fact!!!


Just like the kids in the video, fascist. I find your "I got you" bit quite funny as well. Got me one what? This made news the other day and I posted it. It goes on far outside of the UWM boundaries, but this made news. What are you on about here, child?
Just like the kids in the video, fascist. I find your "I got you" bit quite funny as well.

So you don't have any evidence of "me" posting anything that is fascist.
There is none. I am not a fascist. Fact!!

Got me one what?

Here you go but I'm sure you read it the first time. :)

Glad to read you admit you "don't give a hoot" coz that's pretty obvious. :clap:
I bet you "don't give a hoot" about Asians either.

Scotty, I'll let you in on a little secret. A lot of people figured that out a long time ago. :1orglaugh

I look forward to your next "racial" public service announcement. :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :bang:

This made news the other day and I posted it. It goes on far outside of the UWM boundaries, but this made news. What are you on about here, child?

No doubt it made the news and you did a great job informing your "like minded" friends about it, kid. :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :clap:
No doubt it made the news and you did a great job informing your "like minded" friends about it, kid. :

For the dumb, deaf and blind, like you, I will continue to post relevant news stories. And in honor of your perverse love of overusing emoticons:

For the dumb, deaf and blind, like you, I will continue to post relevant news stories. And in honor of your perverse love of overusing emoticons:


If I was dumb, deaf and blind I wouldn't be able to read your posts. :facepalm:

:yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes: :hairpull: