Limbaugh released

Will E Worm

More voodoo shittalk.

You're actually both wrong.. Voodoo is a badass doughnut shop in Portland, Oregon.

When Rush dies, or is at least allowed to buy an NFL team without everyone getting their panties in a bunch, then something about him might be considered newsworthy, until then let him continue to be a comedian - intentional or not - for a few hours out of our day.

Yes his drug addiction is well documented. But like a lot of people, prescription painkillers become a way of life, especially if one is dealing with tremendous discomfort. Ask Brett Favre.

I don't think it is speculated that Brett is "coked up" because he had a problem in the past. It's because it's Limbaugh.


Jesus indeed.
Poor put upon Rush :crying:

"Drug use, some might say, is destroying this country. And we have laws against selling drugs, pushing drugs, using drugs, importing drugs. ... And so if people are violating the law by doing drugs, they ought to be accused and they ought to be convicted and they ought to be sent up."

Rush Limbaugh, Oct. 5, 1995.

Funny how his tune changed when he got caught red handed :wave2:
Not a picture...reality...a lot of people would love nothing more than to see Limbaugh go away...but he's not :nanner:

"Sparky.." I'm sure there are a ton of people who wouldn't mind seeing Limbaugh go away and they're probably not really particular about the method. There are many who have posted here stating as much.

What I don't get about many on the right is there incessant whining about what people may say of situations like this when they KNOW stuff like this and worse are said and thought of people on the other side.

As if there would be ANYTHING different about what would be said of someone like Michael Moore in a similar case.


Good for him, peopel his age got to take better care of their bodies.