Limbaugh dropped from group


Hiliary 2020

ST. LOUIS – Conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh has been dropped from a group seeking to buy the St. Louis Rams. Limbaugh was to be a limited partner in a bid led by St. Louis Blues chairman Dave Checketts, but Checketts said in a statement Wednesday that Limbaugh's participation had complicated the effort. The group will move forward without him.

Complicated the effort?
Do they mean Jesse and Sharpie bitched about it?
I think thats a no brainer.

The "group" basically pussied out and gave into pressure from these 2 clowns, who, if i were black would be ashamed to have represent me.
Remember sharpton became popular when he concocted a so called racial incident which never happened. A lie, back in 86.
Any way like rush or hate rush is this a victory for the left, or just a strong arm act of intimadation?


Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL.
I think Jesse and Al had some impact, but Commissioner Goddell said that in talking to players, a lot of them had a problem with Rush and comments he has made.

I do think it is ironic that a guy can be barred (indirectly) for comments he makes, but drug users, woman-beaters, dog-killers and guys whose posse who shot people can play in the league.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
I'm as Conservative as they get, and I think Rush is an embarrassment to normal Republicans. He should have retired long before he started popping pills. I also can't stand Jackson and Sharpton who seem to pop-up whenever there is a hint of racial discrimination in the air. If Rush was outed because of them, so be it. Ideally, all three would perish in horrific, painful deaths. But I digress. Rush is just too far to the right to be a viable partner for anyone. It's time for him to step away from the limelight permanently and live out the remainder of his life in relative obscurity where he can't offend anyone.


Big Mouthed Fox News operative ! :shocked:

Limbaugh was at his best about ten years ago when he had his tv show. The guy would just cut up on Jocelyn Elders, Jim "Daff - uh - zit" Sasser, Dan Rostenkowski, feminazis & more.


I think Jesse and Al had some impact, but Commissioner Goddell said that in talking to players, a lot of them had a problem with Rush and comments he has made.

Like Stephan A Smith said "If he has the money, there's absolutely nothing wrong with it, and those black ballplayers that are saying that, I'm here on national television telling you they're lying through their stinking teeth"

And this

"Oh, you're going to pass up money because, oh, my God, I'm offended by Rush Limbaugh being the owner? Who are you fooling? They're liars."

I HIGHLY doubt the Stephan Jackson will say "no I won;t play for Limbaugh" and forefit his 2010 salary.

Gotta love what the Comish said about Limbaugh
Commissioner Roger Goodell said the league holds itself to a "higher standard" in which divisive comments have no place

What high standards Plex, pacman jones, vick?
This is a rare example where the corporate nature of the NFL won out. Rush Windbag is basically toxic. I doubt he's interested in NFL ownership other than either an ego stroke or as a potential topic to fill his airslot.

I am glad he is out. We have Al Davis. The embarrassment quotient has been filled.

Go away Rush....
Good, his ugly mug was ruining portions of Sportscenter.
This is a rare example where the corporate nature of the NFL won out. Rush Windbag is basically toxic. I doubt he's interested in NFL ownership other than either an ego stroke or as a potential topic to fill his airslot.

I am glad he is out. We have Al Davis. The embarrassment quotient has been filled.

Go away Rush....

yeah. this.


More great comments about this.

"The New York Jets offer me $10 million, but Rush Limbaugh is offering me $20 million. I'm going to have a problem with that?" Smith said. "Please, they are lying."

"If Rush Limbaugh will sign the checks, everybody will play for him," Dolphins linebacker Channing Crowder said. "Whoever signs the checks, they'll play. So they can shut up."

Running back Ronnie Brown added, "You sit here jobless and depending on what kind of situation you're in ... you don't have money coming in, I don't know. It's hard to turn down a job like this."

Please this is just Jackson and Sharpton getting on thier soap box tim and time again and pulling out the race card.


Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL.
I don't doubt that some of the players told Goddell one thing and then would sign with the Rams in a heartbeat if the money was right.

Rush is catching backlash for being Rush. I don't like Rush, but he is a successful entertainer.


Hiliary 2020
I think Jesse and Al had some impact, but Commissioner Goddell said that in talking to players, a lot of them had a problem with Rush and comments he has made.

I do think it is ironic that a guy can be barred (indirectly) for comments he makes, but drug users, woman-beaters, dog-killers and guys whose posse who shot people can play in the league.

Me too. Not ironic but extremely hypocritical.
Limbaugh got hooked on pain killers when he had a herniated disc.
I had one extreme, exploded disc, almost put in a wheelchair for life.
Thats when a disc is ruptured or out of line and is crushing your spinal cord against a vertabrae.
Trust me, pain doesnt get more intense than that.
The other got hooked because that wanted to get high.
Theyre heroes, he's a villian.

I'm as Conservative as they get, and I think Rush is an embarrassment to normal Republicans. He should have retired long before he started popping pills. I also can't stand Jackson and Sharpton who seem to pop-up whenever there is a hint of racial discrimination in the air. If Rush was outed because of them, so be it. Ideally, all three would perish in horrific, painful deaths. But I digress. Rush is just too far to the right to be a viable partner for anyone. It's time for him to step away from the limelight permanently and live out the remainder of his life in relative obscurity where he can't offend anyone.

Sorry but this is one of the strangest posts ive ever seen.
you say youre conservative , ok.
but then you cheap shot the pain pill addiction.(humans can get addicted to pain killers).
say that somebody should retire (isnt that their choice?).
to far right to be a partner? how far anything is too far too be a business partner?
And your worried about who he offends.
hello, where does it say in any amendment or law that you cant hurt someones feelings?
And if exposing liberal and or democrats motives behind their words and actions is be it, change the station.
You say youre conservative but every word you wrote screams liberal.
I have to wonder why a man who openly loathes black people would want to own a business that will largely have those same people as its employees. If you want to be very offensive then you have to paid the price. Here are some examples of his divisive and obnoxious statements.

"We are being told that we have to hope [Obama] succeeds, that we have to bend over, grab the ankles ... because his father was black."

"I do believe" Obama is an "angry black guy."

"n Obama's America, the white kids now get beat up with the black kids cheering."

"Obama's entire economic program is reparations."

Obama is "more African in his roots than he is American" and is "behaving like an African colonial despot."

Obama is "Halfrican-American."

"Obama has disowned his white half ... he's decided he's got to go all in on the black side."

Sotomayor "a reverse racist" appointed by Obama, "the greatest living example of a reverse racist."

Obama "wants us to have the same health care and plan that he had in Kenya" and "wants to be the black FDR."

Latching onto LA Times op-ed, Limbaugh sings "Barack, The Magic Negro."

"God does not have a birth certificate. Neither does Obama"; Obama "has yet to prove he's a citizen."

Limbaugh on Gates controversy: "Here you have a black president trying to destroy a white policeman."

Limbaugh suggests Obama would not have acted on Somali pirates if he'd known they were "actually young, black Muslim teenagers."

Limbaugh suggests Democrats, media believe "you can't criticize the little black man-child."

"The government's been taking care of [young blacks] their whole lives."

"The days of [minorities] not having any power are over, and they are angry."

"[M]inorities never do anything for which they have to apologize."

Limbaugh: "The media has been very desirous that a black quarterback do well."

Limbaugh says "NFL all too often looks like a game between the Bloods and the Crips."

Limbaugh declares basketball "the favorite sport of gangs."

Limbaugh invented "racial component" to Hackett's decision to withdraw from Ohio primary race.

Limbaugh on Survivor series: "African-American tribe" worst swimmers, Hispanics "will do things other people won't do."

Limbaugh suggested Colin Powell only supported Obama because of race.

Limbaugh: Gates is an "angry racist."

Limbaugh called illegal immigrants an "invasive species."

Limbaugh repeatedly calls Native Americans "Injuns."

Limbaugh says Democrats' interest in Darfur is securing black "voting bloc."

Limbaugh says that if "feminazis" had remembered to oppose "affirmative action for black guys ... they wouldn't face the situation they face today


Postal Paranoiac
Hey!! A Rushed Limpballs thread!! :helpme::crash:


Hiliary 2020
This is a rare example where the corporate nature of the NFL won out. Rush Windbag is basically toxic. I doubt he's interested in NFL ownership other than either an ego stroke or as a potential topic to fill his airslot.

I am glad he is out. We have Al Davis. The embarrassment quotient has been filled.

Go away Rush....

Good, his ugly mug was ruining portions of Sportscenter.

yeah. this.

The three wise men.
I wonder if they had dropped for example Bill Maher or Al Sharpton for being too liberal you would feel the same.
I know the answer.

Freedom of speech, Cant shut it down because you dont like it.
But you guys want to.
I know that answer too.


Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL.
where in my post does it say he can't do what he wants? I said i don't like him, I didn't say anything about him being shut up.

In fact, I called him "successful". You tell me where you have a problem with my comment.


It's time for him to step away from the limelight permanently and live out the remainder of his life in relative obscurity where he can't offend anyone.

Caution !

If anything, isn't it the "offensive" speech that needs the protecting ?

Offensive is subjective, therefore we shouldn't discourage nor quarantine outspoken people. Let the chips fall where they may.
The three wise men.
I wonder if they had dropped for example Bill Maher or Al Sharpton for being too liberal you would feel the same.
I know the answer.

Why does everything have to be boiled down to Dem/Wacko? Rush Windbag is a toxic racist who happens to spout conservative talking points. Now, George Will on the other hand, a conservative columnist, non douchebag who also happens to be a baseball nut. He would make a proper sports team owner someday...

Al Sharpton has made some poorly-worded statements. But he's a religious person. Nobody takes them seriously anyway.....:thefinger:dunno:

Sorry Meester. Rush is a turd who deserves to be flushed away from the national conscious...
The three wise men.
I wonder if they had dropped for example Bill Maher or Al Sharpton for being too liberal you would feel the same.
I know the answer.

Freedom of speech, Cant shut it down because you dont like it.
But you guys want to.
I know that answer too.

Why do you always post like you are writing poetry. Write a paragraph FFS. :mad: