Lil Wayne trial

Will E Worm

Judge allows gun as evidence in Lil Wayne trial.

A New York City judge says a handgun found on Lil Wayne's tour bus after a 2007 concert can be used as evidence at the rapper's trial.

Lil Wayne, whose real name is Dwayne Carter, has pleaded not guilty to gun possession and is free on $70,000 bail.

He was arrested in July 2007 after a concert at the Beacon Theatre. A police officer said she boarded the tour bus because she smelled marijuana, and then saw him try to hide a gun.


She didn't have a search warrant to legally board the bus to look for anything.

He had a gun, big deal.

I hope he walks.
We all know these rappers are too pussy to ever use a gun, so why do they have one in the first place?

Will E Worm

We all know these rappers are too pussy to ever use a gun, so why do they have one in the first place?

Um, yes they do.

Look up, New York police are investigating a second shooting incident involving 50 CENT and his estranged protege THE GAME hours after the IN DA CLUB star was escorted from a radio show.

One Dead, Three Injured in T.I. Shootout.

Just do a quick search.


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
If the door opened and she smelled marijuana, isn't that probable suspiscion. This gives her warrent to investigate. She finds a gun. If he has any sort of criminal record, that's transporting a gun across state lines.


If the door opened and she smelled marijuana, isn't that probable suspiscion. This gives her warrent to investigate. She finds a gun. If he has any sort of criminal record, that's transporting a gun across state lines.

Even though I think most of Lil Wayne's newer music is horrible. Doesn't mean he should go to jail. I don't think that's true. Any cop would just say they smell weed or achohal. They can ask you to step out of your vehicle for a test to see if your under the influence of anything. They have to physically see the product(s) or else every racist cop would be arresting anyone they hate.


what the fuck you lookin at?
he'll walk...


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
Even though I think most of Lil Wayne's newer music is horrible. Doesn't mean he should go to jail. I don't think that's true. Any cop would just say they smell weed or achohal. They can ask you to step out of your vehicle for a test to see if your under the influence of anything. They have to physically see the product(s) or else every racist cop would be arresting anyone they hate.

I hate to tell you this, but it doesn't matter if he's all the way in the back of the bus, this falls into the same catagory as a open container of booze. There is potential for the driver to become impaired, drive off the road and right into someone's family, creaming through that toyota corolla like it was butter. That's why she boarded the bus, and then the gun came into play, it was clearly visible, because they can't search for it. So a loaded firearm is also against the law. I've been pulled over, I've told the officer, "I have a firearm in the cargo area, officer. Keeping my hands in plain sight. He asked me if it was loaded. I said no, I was at the range. He said fine, don't move. It was a mistake in the end. No big deal.


what the fuck you lookin at?
I hate to tell you this, but it doesn't matter if he's all the way in the back of the bus, this falls into the same catagory as a open container of booze. There is potential for the driver to become impaired, drive off the road and right into someone's family, creaming through that toyota corolla like it was butter. That's why she boarded the bus, and then the gun came into play, it was clearly visible, because they can't search for it. So a loaded firearm is also against the law. I've been pulled over, I've told the officer, "I have a firearm in the cargo area, officer. Keeping my hands in plain sight. He asked me if it was loaded. I said no, I was at the range. He said fine, don't move. It was a mistake in the end. No big deal.'d make a damn fine anti-marijuana commercial! :thefinger
Marajuana odor is reasonable cause. That's why she searched.

Is it right? Maybe, maybe not. But it is the law. Either obey it or pay the consequences.


I hate to tell you this, but it doesn't matter if he's all the way in the back of the bus, this falls into the same catagory as a open container of booze. There is potential for the driver to become impaired, drive off the road and right into someone's family, creaming through that toyota corolla like it was butter. That's why she boarded the bus, and then the gun came into play, it was clearly visible, because they can't search for it. So a loaded firearm is also against the law. I've been pulled over, I've told the officer, "I have a firearm in the cargo area, officer. Keeping my hands in plain sight. He asked me if it was loaded. I said no, I was at the range. He said fine, don't move. It was a mistake in the end. No big deal.

I didn't realize this was a law. Every time my buddies or I have been pulled over it plays out like this.

"have you been drinking tonight?"

Random Joe:

"well I can smell it on your breathe."

I'll have to think up something cocky to say...

Random Joe:
"well officer if you smell it on my breathe then doesn't that give you reason to search the vehicle and give me a field subreity test?"

"yes it does"

Random Joe:
"if you keep making up lies you'll have to deal with my lawyer who will be down here in the next 30 minutes to an hour."

It's not perfect, but I love when people out smart the cops. I just want to be such a dick one day and get off Scott free after all the shit they put you through when you've done nothing wrong.

That's why I assumed they couldn't. I would think they'd just make up reasons to search your car. We've never had the car searched though.
kingfisher and tiger 1977 are totally right, it counts. The logic is that it counts as public display, the cop smelling the marijuana established reasonable suspicion of a crime being committed, and in doing so they did not violate the protocol of search and seizure because that action, the smelling, was done in a public place, outside the bus, and not on the grounds of requiring an officer to otherwise interact or search your private property, and so it did not require a warrant.

it all falls under the "in plain sight" clause that also includes an officer witnessing a drug exchange where the person then places the contraband into their pocket or other such place, or if they can see you through the window and you have drugs present or any other evidence connecting you to a crime.


typical white people trying to screw over young blacks, america wake up, black people
aint the demise of american society, the blame goes to the white people in media
moguls like viacom that put trash on tv, white frauds like bernie madoff, white racists like limbaugh, o'reilly, ann coulter, white athletes also make america look bad like john daly.