Like Hell I'm Going To Let Some Black President Help Me Pay For Dialysis

That's a stupid question. Of course a person that needs urgent care is going to accept it, no matter what their ideological basis is (assuming their ideology encompasses not wanting to die.) If it's free (tax paid) state-run, you'll take it. If they tell you that they have to chop your balls off to save your life, you'll take it.
The FIRST REPUBLICAN was a NeoCon????

No, the first Republican was a liberal. He wanted to impose new taxes, amend the constitution, and expand the federal government. Doesn't sound very conservative to me.:2 cents:

That's the very reason why people affiliate as liberal or conservative to describe their politics, because those things are not restricted to a single party. Party politics vary over time depending on the political sway of the times and the people involved in government.


All I know is that if you get sick, and you live in America, then you should get treated by top notch health care until you are fully recovered. The class structure in this country sucks it is the poor and uninsured who need good health care the best. My mom died of preventable breast cancer, my grandfather died from AGENT ORANGE from Vietnam. Atleast Obama is trying to do something, get off hos back! Just because he is mixed ethnicity doesn't make him the fuckin devil! He's more of a saint then a devil! I know that much!!!:mad:


Re: Like Hell I'm Going To Let Some Black President Help Me Pay For Dialysis!!!

this article makes one wonder, would RINOs, TeaBaggers, NeoCons without health insurance really choose death instead of getting universal or single payer health care even if their own lives depended on it?

Like Hell I'm Going To Let Some Black President Help Me Pay For Dialysis

The Clash of the Tiny Intellects!

The article is unusually lame for the leftist Onion, but just perfect for Hellraiser...I knew it was a matter of time until his psychosis went over the edge and EVERYONE and EVERYTHING would send him screaming to his closet to escape those pesky NeoCons!:rofl:

Sad that such drivel has to be interjected into an important discussion like healthcare...but that's the 'Net, any lame-o can log in and spew their nonsense.

I can't wait 'til the street fighting starts, just to hear all the lame excuses and apologies the always wrong extreme leftists come up with.....
Then explain why you still justify RINO as a synonym for a Conservative?

Let' see; NeoCons are those who like spreading an American style of Democracy over seas, even by force. So, I suppose Wilson, FDR, Truman and Johnson were NeoCons? Oh, and Clinton. Can't foeget the NeoCon Clinton and his efforts in Eastern Europe, Iraq and Africa!

And Lincoln, the first Republican president waged war against the Confederacy to reincorporate them into The Union...he was a NeoCon? The FIRST REPUBLICAN was a NeoCon????

I don't equate genuine Conservatives with so-called Republicans who are Republican or Conservative in name only. I respect the former but have no respect whatsoever for the latter. Genuine Republicans are consistently true to their Conservative both in theory and practice unlike NeoCons who are neither genuinely nor consistently Conservative as their track record proves. When I refer to someone as a NeoCon or RINO, I'm not using those terms to refer to all Republicans, I use those terms to make a distinction between decent, genuine, legit, consistent intellectually honest Conservatives from treacherous, intellectually dishonest, and treasonous NeoCons who masquerade themselves as Conservatives.

For example, Exhibit A: The post above this post is a perfect example of a NeoCon or fraudulent Conservative who is a Republican in name only, but not in theory nor practice.

Some aspects of Lincoln could be considered NeoConnish :)


I don't equate genuine Conservatives with so-called Republicans who are Republican or Conservative in name only. I respect the former but have no respect whatsoever for the latter. Genuine Republicans are consistently true to their Conservative both in theory and practice unlike NeoCons who are neither genuinely nor consistently Conservative as their track record proves. When I refer to someone as a NeoCon or RINO, I'm not using those terms to refer to all Republicans, I use those terms to make a distinction between decent, genuine, legit, consistent intellectually honest Conservatives from treacherous, intellectually dishonest, and treasonous NeoCons who masquerade themselves as Conservatives.

For example, Exhibit A: The post above this post is a perfect example of a NeoCon or fraudulent Conservative who is a Republican in name only, but not in theory nor practice.

Some aspects of Lincoln could be considered NeoConnish :)

Some aspects of NeoCon could be considered Lincolnesque!:rofl2::rofl2:

Did you graduate from the University of Sesame Street Advanced Political Studies program?
Just wondering, Professor.:D
(Your mind is as sharp as overcooked spaghetti! Awesome...)
^ All the psycho babble you blabber must be a symptom of being dropped on your cranium when you were an infant. The good thing about single payer health care is that you will be able to get long overdue treatment for your trauma as soon as it is enacted :)
Re: Like Hell I'm Going To Let Some Black President Help Me Pay For Dialysis!!!

Actually a Neo-con/liberal/nazi is someone who's ideas differ slightly from the original idea (whether this idea is Liberalism, Conservatism, Nazism , ...ism, etc) but who technically still promotes and agrees with the general concept of the original ism.

For instance : Original liberals had a certain idea about the economy (free market), schooling (free for everyone), independent personal development & less influence from the church, because liberals back in the 19th century believed the church tried to limit people's personal development.

Over time, certain ideas were scrapped or became less important. Free schooling was not feasible in the system they wanted & even some liberals turned to the church when they were facing personal problems.

What remained was a free market economy & the belief that people should develop independently. The people that promote this are called Neo-Liberals.

The difference between Nazi's and Neo-Nazi's is the way they look at society. Most Neo-Nazi's have little or no respect for society, which (I assume) they consider to be weak and infected by ... (enter whatever they hate in the dots). Old Nazis believed that society itself wasn't bad, but needed to be cleansed of some unwanted elements (everyone knows what this lead to...). A minor, but important difference.

Neo itself means little more than new & in the case of political streamings it simply means new ideas, certainly not that they're new members to the original idea. This is generally a good thing, since political ideas that don't evolve don't survive for a longer period of time. Yet, this can also be a bad thing.

Take communism for example. There's Marx's original idea and the way Lenin explained it (Leninism). Let's call this Leninism the original communism, when Stalin became the head of the communist party, his ideas differed (slightly) from Lenin's ideas (even though his ideas weren't perfect either, but then again, neither is bolshevism in general). One could say that the system he impemented was a form of neo-communism (although it's officially called Stalinism). Stalinism & Leninism, both communistic streams, kept on fighting for power during Soviet Russia's existance. Without Stalinism, The USSR might have survived a decade longer, yet, if Gorbachev had gotten to power earlier in his life and the other Eastern & Central European powers had still been more loyal to Russia, he might have succeeded in pushing through is reforms & we might have seen a true neo-communism.

Yet people with differing ideas, that usually can and do accept some of the ideas that the other political streaming has scrapped, use the neo word as an insult.

Example. Many socialists will use the word neo-liberal as an insult, since they generally do not agree with most of the POVs of current liberals, yet they do agree with distancing itself from the organised church & also agree with free schooling.

So a neocon is simply a consevative person that no longer believes in every part of the original concept of conservatism (either because it goes too far or not far enough) and whose ideas have shifted slightly (or a lot, depending on who you ask).

wow. an intelligent post and it's on a pornsite. if only more americans and hardnut europeans read this.


^ All the psycho babble you blabber must be a symptom of being dropped on your cranium when you were an infant. The good thing about single payer health care is that you will be able to get long overdue treatment for your trauma as soon as it is enacted :)

That's it? You are attempting a crushing comeback with that teenie dribble?:rofl:
I take back what I said about your NeoCon don't have a clue in Hell what a NeoCon is, and you're severely confused by just about anything more intellectually challenging than "which ass is more sexy"?
I've posted my basic political specifics here and there, and all those silly shots in the dark you keep taking haven't hit a totally inept BATTLESHIP player.
Keeping to the analogy (am I using too big of a word?) you haven't sunk a buoy yet!:rofl2:
This is a hilarious thread to read. From the four posts between Lalilulelohan and Hellraiser I knew I was in for some top notch entertainment!

Good times :hatsoff:
I don't really understand politics. People are fighting for something that's not going to matter when your dead anyways. Everyone wants to rule the world!
black? hmmmm I could of swore obama was 50 percent white 50 percent why does everyone call him black as if he was 100 percent?? sorry for going off topic.....