Like France, Canada has now banned the burqa in certain public settings.

That's just plain silly. You're not talking about inclusiveness you're talking about conformity. I'm talking about the acceptance and understanding of other peoples cultures. Who said that you CAN'T cover your face? No one. "otherwise we'd all be going round dressed as beekeepers or wearing masks."
That logic is ridiculous as most people have no desire to cover themselves from head to foot. Your logic is the same as "if we allow homosexual acceptance everyone would instantly turn gay." even though many simply AREN'T interested in changing sexuality.
Equality and inclusiveness does NOT mean making people change to fit your mold. It means accepting and understanding the differences.
If a woman is raised to dress in a certain state of modesty who are we to demand that she bare more skin day to day? Do you then dare presume to demand that I walk around in a bikini every day if that is the culture you're used to? How do you know that by expecting these women to wear less you are not making them feel overexposed and oversexed against their will?
We live in a culture where we see tits falling out on the street pretty much every day but we need to respect that they don't.
Their wearing more clothes doesn't HURT anyone. Do you find modesty offensive?
Or are you simply afraid? Does the fact that you can't see their faces clearly make you feel like you are at a higher risk for illegal activity?
Because illegal activity happens in Canada every day with bare faced people.
I see ^No reason to discriminate against a completely harmless cultural clothing choice.

You´re goin into *extremes* Aria and you know it.
1st. before you ask : YES , I was PERSONALLY ( because of my job S ) in all of them countries where they want the females to wear a Burkha, and I was in about 90 % of all countries who got the muslim religion/culture.
2nd : Not ALL of this females accept the Burkha they have to wear, ...I´d say not even 50 % .
3rd : It´s OK of a culture, to make their females wear a Burkha, but ONLY in their OWN FUCKIN COUNTRY !
4th : Question : Do these countries allow European / American / Australian / Asian woman to show tits on the beach or just to DRIVE A CAR ? NO ? They don´t ?? So why do they think their females are allowed to cover their face COMPLETELY with a Burkha in other countries ??
From my personal POV they should keept their culture / religion to where it belongs , their countries.
And YESS , it´s a point of SAFETY for officials to see someones face ..from the very 1st. second on .


I understand your points Aria, however:

You're not talking about inclusiveness you're talking about conformity. I'm talking about the acceptance and understanding of other peoples cultures.

Put in context, conformity for the sake of order and for the good of all citizens. Conformity to the rule of law, which all citizens are subject to - this in itself is 'inclusiveness'.

"We have certain rules and regulations in Canadian society … and we want everybody to be together, taking the oath and being part of the Canadian fabric."

quality and inclusiveness does NOT mean making people change to fit your mold. It means accepting and understanding the differences.

Indeed, it does. Canadians value diversity and are very accepting of all cultures. There are expectations when it comes to women's rights that transcend religious belief.

"Canadian law takes precedence over religious edict..."

Does the fact that you can't see their faces clearly make you feel like you are at a higher risk for illegal activity?


"... showing one’s face while taking the oath is a matter of 'deep principle' that strikes at Canadian values of openness and equality."


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Yes I want to dress like a bee keeper for the majority of my life.


Official Checked Star Member
Official Checked Star Member
I know WHY the buqa was created, let's not insult my intelligence.
But why BAN it? Banning it removes choice. Someone mentioned women in France now being afraid of leaving their houses for fear of being arrested or beaten by their husbands. That is incredibly sad, and puts them in a very tough spot. If a woman comes to Canada and wants to remove it, let her remove it. If she doesn't, why force it upon her? To me in the end ALL it comes down to the freedom to choose.
But why BAN it? Banning it removes choice. Someone mentioned women in France now being afraid of leaving their houses for fear of being arrested or beaten by their husbands. That is incredibly sad, and puts them in a very tough spot. If a woman comes to Canada and wants to remove it, let her remove it. If she doesn't, why force it upon her? To me in the end ALL it comes down to the freedom to choose.

And this is the problem : Their HUSBANDS. In 99 % of all faults the husbands came over to Europe, the USA, Australia and where - ever and they KNEW before they came over here that our countries do NOT allow the Burkha ...and still have their wives coming with them . But they KNEW the Burkha is NOT allowed. So the females are getting into troubles with for example the European law AND with their husbands.
Especially those so called * husbands * needs to get kicked + booted up and down the road and get beaten to hell with a bullwhip, because they KNOW what problems the females will get into. So well, in THEIR countries there should be NO ban for the Burkha, but every female who does´nt want to wear it should have the right to take it OFF .
In Europe or the US or somewhere else the damned thing ( my POV ) should be BANNED , because it´s no problem at all for EXTREMISTS to use a Burkha for terrorism .
I can tell you that I was in them Muslim - nations for something like 16 years, I´m hydraulic engineer for aircargo - systems, before this I was a 2nd. nautical mate on ULCC´s + heavylift-liners. And believe me or not, I kicked a lot of them bastards in their azzholes and would continue to do so if i could . You ever were PERSONALLY in India or Pakistan ? Don´t ya ask me, who is working there , especially on the fields / farms. .... the WOMAN .


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
I know WHY the buqa was created, let's not insult my intelligence.
But why BAN it? Banning it removes choice. Someone mentioned women in France now being afraid of leaving their houses for fear of being arrested or beaten by their husbands. That is incredibly sad, and puts them in a very tough spot. If a woman comes to Canada and wants to remove it, let her remove it. If she doesn't, why force it upon her? To me in the end ALL it comes down to the freedom to choose.

The government didn't ban burqas in public, merely during citizenship oaths, which I am completely in favour for. Think of it like this: by making women take the burqa off when they become Canadian, we are essentially telling them that they have the choice in Canada not to wear it if they wish. Unlike some countries were they might come from we are more interested in the face and person underneath the cloth than the cloth itself. If they decide that their religious views require them to wear it, that's their own choice and they don't have to worry about that, because any attempt to ban the burqa in public would quickly be shot down by the Supreme Court, and quite frankly Harper doesn't have the balls to try and go through with something like that.
Damnit people. Watch this and you will be enlightened!

And this is the problem : Their HUSBANDS. In 99 % of all faults the husbands came over to Europe, the USA, Australia and where - ever and they KNEW before they came over here that our countries do NOT allow the Burkha ...and still have their wives coming with them . But they KNEW the Burkha is NOT allowed. So the females are getting into troubles with for example the European law AND with their husbands.
Especially those so called * husbands * needs to get kicked + booted up and down the road and get beaten to hell with a bullwhip, because they KNOW what problems the females will get into. So well, in THEIR countries there should be NO ban for the Burkha, but every female who does´nt want to wear it should have the right to take it OFF .

Exactly. It makes perfect sense, really. Muslim husbands are using burkas to repress their wives, therefore we should arrest the wives for being repressed. Wait... what? :confused: