Lawmakers take up battle against light bulb ban
"Most Americans, if you ask them, have no idea that the government has
already made a choice for them," Bachmann said in a televised MSNBC
interview. "The government has substituted its choice for the American
consumer's choice. Most Americans have no idea they won't be able to choose their own light bulbs."
Now, concerns about mercury in the bulbs and mercury vapor released
when a CFL is broken have led Bachmann and a group of legislators in
the House to second-guess the government's choice.
"Each light bulb contains between 3-6 milligrams of mercury," Bachmann
said. "There's a question about how that mercury will fill up our
landfills, and also if you break one in your home, you'll have mercury
that instantaneously vaporizes in your home. That poses a very real
threat to children, disabled people, pets, senior citizens. And I just
think it's very important that Americans have the choice to decide,
would they like an incandescent or a (CFL)?"
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