Life in Jail for Porn?

Anyone else see the 20/20 story about the kid in Arizona who was looking at 90 years for child porn on his computer? They found out that it wasn't even him who looked at it though, apparently it was some hackers or something. However he did look at adult porn and it was apparently how the hackers got onto his computer. It also made him suspicious to the FBI. But does this scare anyone else like it scares me? Could looking at porn get me arrested for a crime I didn't do? I have a firewall and I make sure never to look at anything illegal but, man, thats serious crap. I know freeones has their compliance statement, am I just being paranoid here?

P.S. - this is my first post; hope this is not the wrong place to be asking this question.
Anyone else see the 20/20 story about the kid in Arizona who was looking at 90 years for child porn on his computer? They found out that it wasn't even him who looked at it though, apparently it was some hackers or something. However he did look at adult porn and it was apparently how the hackers got onto his computer. It also made him suspicious to the FBI. But does this scare anyone else like it scares me? Could looking at porn get me arrested for a crime I didn't do? I have a firewall and I make sure never to look at anything illegal but, man, thats serious crap. I know freeones has their compliance statement, am I just being paranoid here?

P.S. - this is my first post; hope this is not the wrong place to be asking this question.

What might be even scarier is the fact people on the Internet don't even have to look at porn for something like this to potentially happen. It could happen to almost anybody online. You would hope the judicial system would use common sense, but too often you can't count on it.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Posession is 11/10ths of the law, it seems.
umm, I live in arizona and i've never heard of that. I'm pretty sure this story is fake.
If it was easy for firewalls and other securities to be breached... and the FBI can blame us...

Shit, with all the porn we look at here, we'd all be in jail for life.


what the fuck you lookin at?
If it was easy for firewalls and other securities to be breached... and the FBI can blame us...

Shit, with all the porn we look at here, we'd all be in jail for life.

:1orglaugh true!
I think Arizona had some really outdated laws, most states are not like that. But if the story is 100% true. The kid didn't get convicted, they gave him a plea that made him a sex offender. Then finally the judge basically said "this is all crap you can go free". The prosecutor was a huge dick, sorry I can't find a link for you guys. It was on if any of you look at that page.


what the fuck you lookin at?
That is fucked up!
It's stupid. It's comparible to those idiots who try to prosecute kids for carrying half an asprin in a school "drug free zone", or a paper clip in a "weapons free zone".
well I say aslong as you dont look up childporn you should be ok. I have never had a virus or a hacker leave porn on my hard drive "knock on Wood".
yea but the video he is watching is in no doubt created by legal adults wish is not cool. Dosnt matter what your age is you need to look at legal stuff.Bottom line!!!!
Nice and typical. Child pornography is found, so out come the fully armed police...

But if this kid was only 16... Then surely it doesn't matter if he's looking at underage porn, if he's underage aswell?

I remember when i was like 9, some girl did the whole "i'll show You Mine if you show me yours..." Could i of got arrested for that?!


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
If it was easy for firewalls and other securities to be breached... and the FBI can blame us...

Shit, with all the porn we look at here, we'd all be in jail for life.

Eh, firewalls and the like arent exactly solid security... but the story didnt say the kid got 'hacked' like that. He had backdoors all over the place. Probably porn dialers, popup/spyware virii and a couple trojans that his friends put on the comp when they visit. What they should really be looking for are the script kiddies who decided to use his comp as a shell, or ask the kid..or browse the ISP's records who logged into the comp. There are a hundred productive ways out of the situation, and labeling the kid a criminal isn't one of 'em. Hell, I was 13 when I first browsed for titties. And my equally aged GF at the time showed me her titters! Albeit.. she had a crappy webcam.. and that is a crime, IMO.. but I digress. lol

yea but the video he is watching is in no doubt created by legal adults wish is not cool. Dosnt matter what your age is you need to look at legal stuff.Bottom line!!!!

I think the line between a murderer or serial-drunk-driver or drug dealer and "Some guy who looks at porn" should be drawn very widely.

I, for one.. understand that it's *not cool* to look at various illegal subjects while wanking... but I wouldnt put ANYONE in prison for 20+ years for doing anything but murder. Let alone a 16 year old kid! For f!ck's sake, Arizona wanted to label a teenager as a SEX OFFENDER?!? Almost makes you wanna open the door to Osama's and Oklahoma City bomber's, give you their blessing and tell 'em: "There was nothing here worth saving. Blow it all the hell up."

Sheesh, it's bad enough that drugs are illegal and we need to be 21 to even look at a budweiser!

...mmm.. I could use a couple bottles. Legz.. you have 50 bucks and some gas money? ;)
The whole reason the law exists in the US is to protect kids.
Yet we use it against kids?
If it was easy for firewalls and other securities to be breached... and the FBI can blame us...

Shit, with all the porn we look at here, we'd all be in jail for life.

lol... I would be serving multiple life sentances.
It's DAs/lawyers looking to make a name for themselves, like Janet Reno

If it was easy for firewalls and other securities to be breached...
Firewalls don't protect you at all, especially not "allow all outgoing" firewalls.
They just blindly let applications use whatever sites and install whatever malware they want.
And given how the Windows executive works, there's no protection, and even Firefox can't deal with what Windows pre-empts (although it's far, far less tied to Windows than IE).

Session/application filtering/management only goes so far, it's a balance of inconviencing the user against security.
Most users don't like to be bothered with confirmation messages.
From cookie warnings (browsers have these turned off by default) to the fact that many scripts/applets aren't traditional "applications," most filtering can't catch it junk.

Hell, most sites even have hidden content/imaging that is cached by your browser.
and the FBI can blame us...
And not the OS that was never designed for the Internet.
Hell, even Firefox has to deal with the stupid concepts Netscape originally screwed us with.

Shit, with all the porn we look at here, we'd all be in jail for life.
One of these days the ACLU will finally take up the fact that innocent people are being wrongfully prosecuted over kiddie porn.
And half of the time, it's some DA or prosecuting lawyer looking for fame and political capital.

Janet Reno was one, skyrocketed to household name (and picked by Clinton as a result) all while she was rightfully hated in south Florida when she did it.
Hence why when she came home and was not elected in the Democratic primary.