Liberals love Trump's tax plan ... as long as it's Bernie Sanders' plan

Will E Worm

I saw this. They really don't know what they want. :facepalm:
Reminds me about these video we've seen earlier with a guy reading quotes from the Qoran and everyone is shocked. Then he reveals that it was indeed quotes from the Bible.

People today are full of prejudice, they don't judge things by what they are, what they mean, their content, they judge things by where or who does they come from.

Liberals : You a Trump supporter ?That mean you're full of shit, I don't even wanna talk with you
Conservative : You like Bernie ? That mean you're full of shit, I don't even wanna talk with you
Christian : You're gay ? You're an abomination, don't talk to me
Gay : You're christian ? You're an homophobic, don't talk to me


Light one for Me
Reminds me about these video we've seen earlier with a guy reading quotes from the Qoran and everyone is shocked. Then he reveals that it was indeed quotes from the Bible.

People today are full of prejudice, they don't judge things by what they are, what they mean, their content, they judge things by where or who does they come from.

Liberals : You a Trump supporter ?That mean you're full of shit, I don't even wanna talk with you
Conservative : You like Bernie ? That mean you're full of shit, I don't even wanna talk with you
Christian : You're gay ? You're an abomination, don't talk to me
Gay : You're christian ? You're an homophobic, don't talk to me
Pigeon holes...what this area of the board is all about :yesyes:


Clearly the video was edited in favor of Trumps plan.
What the interviewer purposely failed to mention about the "Death Tax" aka the Estate Tax is that it only applies to less than 1% of the population or the richest people.

Trump and his cronies are the main beneficiaries of the proposed Republican Tax Plan.

More than 400 millionaires tell Congress: Don’t cut our taxes

Whether it's 1% or 10% of the population, the Estate Tax is a tax on money that has already been taxed.

And those rich liberals who don't want a tax cut are free to make a gift contribution to the U.S. Treasury for whatever amount they want (as long as it reduces the public debt). Knock yourselves out.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Trump's tax plan isn't solely opposed by his "political opponents on the Left", just like Trump's attempt to "Repeal and Replace" Obamacare. Both initiatives sucked for enough reasons that they gained bi-partisan opposition. Those Cucks, tho, right? At some point you're going to have to realize that Trump's agenda is nothing but hollow promises he knows he doesn't have the support to keep. As problematic as the three minute video you posted is, IF the "very clever" fellow with the microphone had made a comparison between what he lied and said was Bernie's proposal, and what Bernie actually supports, I'm sure the responses would have been quite different. Maybe you can fool the typical man or woman on the street, but that won't fly in Congress.


Here's what Trump's tax plan means if you're making $25,000, $75,000, or $175,000 a year

Taxing the poor is a way to motivate them to get off their lazy asses and become rich.
Everyone in America has the opportunity to become rich, they just need to work harder.
Sure 95% of the rich got their money from inheritance, luck or conning other people, but everyone else still has a 5% chance of getting rich thru hard work, and that's the purpose of the Trump tax plan, you just have to know how to interpret it correctly. :rolleyes:



