Arizona: Passed bill that that will prohibit medical malpractice lawsuits against doctors who withhold information from a woman that could cause her to have an abortion. Basically doctors can lie to women about the unborn child's health and escape wrongful birth suits.

Wisconsin: Republican Governor Scott Walker has repealed Wisconsin's equal pay for women law. The law was designed to allow women to sue their employers for discrimination if they were paid less than their male counterparts.

Kansas: This bill was later repealed but Topeka lawmakers passed a bill which legalized domestic violence

Virginia: Passed a bill that requires women who want an abortion to undergo a transvaginal probe for no medical reason

Mississippi: Proposed "personhood" amendment that would have defined life as starting at conception, and outlawed abortion and many forms of birth control if passed

U.S. House of Reps: House of Representatives passed a measure to end federal funding for abortion provider Planned Parenthood

And it's the Democrats who are leading the war on women?:facepalm:

This so-called "War on Women" is just another bunch of lies from Fox News.
this is so stupid. republicans are the ones trying to deny women abortion and birth control. and free thinking is not some republican concept. liberals don't try and say the government should control our lives. what a bunch of stupid lies