Posting trash I heard?
But look at who your beloved democrap party is filled with, just typical antiamerican full of trash Obama muppets like Maxine Low IQ Waters, Dick the Douchebag Durbin, Nancy the Dumb Cunt Pelosi , Sheldon the Fat Pig Whitehouse, Richard Da Nang Blumenthal, Adam the stammering moron Schiff, Kamala Harris, Mazie Hirono, Annie Klobuchar, Jeff the idiot Coons, Corey the Dirtbag Booker, Jerry the Old Angry Brat Nadler and :crying: Chuck the Old Little Schmuck Schumer.
It doesn't matter if Democraps were more closed to conservatives in the last century, but a Democrap remains a Democrap.
I know about the Stalwarts too , so you learn me nothing new.
And who supported the Dixiecrats ? The Democraps. The "Solid South": Arkansas voted Democratic in all 23 presidential elections from 1876 through 1964, other states were not quite as solid but generally supported Democrats for president.
Let's not forget the connection between Bill Ayers and Obama, Obama and ’60s Bomber: A Look Into Crossed Paths