Liberal actress says tea parties were racist


Staff member
We will see how long Obama stays alive as well as lasts during his first term and if the results were those Obama promised.
We will see how long Obama stays alive

Still expecting him to get offed, eh?
Can't say that I blame you.
The mighty right harbors a lot of potential assassins.
All it would take is one very determined unstable person whipped into a frenzy by the constant barrage of right wing propaganda....
I just wonder, if that happens, how some of his more vitriolic critics are going to be able to look at themselves in the mirror.
I know who my first suspect will be. I will immediately head to the "undisclosed location" to check on DeadEye Dick Cheney's alibi....
Wow! Some rich white cunt knows for a fact that all participants in all of these demonstations was a racist.
People....don't take anything that any celebrity says seriously.....the fact she would actually seem to believe that individuals who have their own opinions about things have, therefore, a mental disorder, or misfiring nuerons, or whatever other ridiculousness she claims, says a lot about her character, and that is this:

She has none.

This country was founded with the belief in mind that we all have the right to agree to disagree, something she obviously does not seem to realize. Name calling and finger pointing does nothing except fuel the anger and hatred which is threatening to tear this country apart.

It saddens me to see such intolerant people get so much airtime......"journalism" needs a makeover.....big time.


1. Janeane Garofalo is a stupid, dimwitted cunt.
Certainly, but wouldn't you grudge fuck her ? :D

I haven't seen her in ages but she's (or was) one of those chicks that are kinda cute in a weird sorta way, so long as she wasn't wearing her stoogey attire. :dunno:

I envision the potential of B.O. killing people who disagree with him.
Nobody has ever told him "No" nor critiqued him in all of his coddled life.

Now go off on your accusatory right wing hissy fits you usuals .

last time i checked garofalo was a comic, so as such politics are an area for her to do bits obviously her personal bias in will come through in her comedy but my guess would be that she was making jokes
last time i checked garofalo was a comic, so as such politics are an area for her to do bits obviously her personal bias in will come through in her comedy but my guess would be that she was making jokes

She unfortunately was never a very funny comic, and now she's even less of a political commentator for the left. Her credentials for politics.... her whiny, bitchy radio scream-fest on Air America.

So no.... there were no jokes intended in Garbage... I mean Garofalos statements.
I envision the potential of B.O. killing people who disagree with him. Nobody has ever told him "No" nor critiqued him in all of his coddled life.

I think you could say he received a rather resounding "no" from his father, who split when the "coddled one" was less than a year old, and only visited him once thereafter.


Take a Hit, Spunker!
Certainly, but wouldn't you grudge fuck her ? :D

I haven't seen her in ages but she's (or was) one of those chicks that are kinda cute in a weird sorta way, so long as she wasn't wearing her stoogey attire. :dunno:

No I would not grudge fuck her. I wouldn't touch her with a stolen dick. She has never turned me on in the least little bit.
She's as well-qualified to utter her opinions - like 'em or not - as Rush Limbaugh or Glenn Beck are.


Take a Hit, Spunker!
She's as well-qualified to utter her opinions - like 'em or not - as Rush Limbaugh or Glenn Beck are.

Well just even looking at her ruins any hard-on I may have that day. I'm not saying she's ugly, but I'd rather look at THIS instead of her.


Postal Paranoiac
My 4-year old niece was having a tea party the other day. And not even one of her stuffed animals was black. The racist bitch!
Garofalo went off the deep end years ago ...

Garofalo went off the deep end years ago.

She was the victim of Hollywood sexism for years, especially for her earlier weight. Then she became a chain smoking, caffeine downing hypercomic and utterly went off the deep end.

She does a great job representing the shallow thoughts of the left, which are not always the case with left arguments. She's the left's equivalent of the ignorant, mid-American high school drop out on the right.

Ignore her.
It's all over ...

Care to back that up with some evidence or examples?
The DHS, the wiretapping, the other things, people are starting to get scared.

What it looks like what the Obama administration is "gearing up for" is an attack on any "alleged racists." The DHS paper disclosed by the Washington Times scared the shit out of me.

There is a real pattern developing here. It's no longer about international calls by Americans, or people caught in Afghanistan. It's about using the same laws to push domestic agendas.

I hated Clinton for his Executive Orders in 1998 and W. again for pushing laws to expand that to fight terror. Because somewhere along the line, people forget what those laws were enacted for, and expand them into areas they were never intented.