Are new movies?
Nope!, Nothing new from Lia since 2011.

Zilch, Rien, Nada, Nichts, Niente!!! Absolutely SWEET FUCK ALL! :hairpull:
Are new movies?
Hiya Fellas maybe I can help clear up a few concerns. I have not quit or retired from the industry. I dont "shit where I eat" lol. Im just living my life. No reason for alarm. I didnt piss anybody off. Atleast that I am aware of. Ive been very blessed and very lucky to be a part of Vivid and my FTV family. In my mind I rank both of them among the best. So I am very careful not to mess with those titles. Thats kinda important 2 me. But I never say never and if something feels right I do it (no pun intended) I wasnt at AVN cause I was in Boston in school learning electronic music. But I go on MFC all the time and find that it is an awesome way to connect with fans. But I love all of the kind words I have read in this thread. It is very humbling and amazing! Radscan u have always been such an amazing and loyal fan and for that I thank u! Im trying 2 post so recent pics but dont think Im allowed yetIll get them 2 Tbone maybe he can help !!xox
Yes, I can confirm it is Lia who posted here . I'm glad I could finallly persuade her to do so, lol. I know she never forgets her long time fans, especially fans like you radscan. I will try to post some new pictures of her here on this thread as soon as Lia tells me which pictures can be released.
PS: I recommend watching her shows on MFC (look for FTVLia19). 100% Lia, pure, real, nothing faked. Simply amazing.
I have never seen these Penthouse Sets before but they are very nice even if a bit old.
Thanks for posting this, knew there was at least 1 or 2 more vivid scenes still to be released, think she filmed last for them in 2010, 4 years ago, way to go vivid!, at least its something 'new', as for actual new material, forget it.:crying:
Does she eat cum yet?