Lia19 / Lia Leah / Ashely Ryan

Re: FTV Girl, Lia19

Hi Radscan,saw the info on a dvd site called,just searched for vivid and there it was,no boxcovers yet im afraid but hopefully it wont be long! cant wait to see our Lia in a suit:D.....and then out of it of course haha .
Re: FTV Girl, Lia19

Hi Radscan,saw the info on a dvd site called,just searched for vivid and there it was,no boxcovers yet im afraid but hopefully it wont be long! cant wait to see our Lia in a suit:D.....and then out of it of course haha .

Cool thanks for that mate. Not quite clear if this is Lia's movie or not as she is not in the cast list and there is no DVD box cover to clarify for us. The description mentions a charater called Lia Lachey?? Could be her I guess? :dunno:

Oh well let's keep our eye on it for now and see when the cover gets updated but it sounds promising.:)

Mind you Diamond Foxxx is f***ing HOT! Wouldn't mind seeing Lia and her get it on. :boobies:
Re: FTV Girl, Lia19

Update for you all concerning the above posts and Lia's next movie.

Read this as it confirms what we suspected.

Lia mentions the 'Sex Broker' scene she does with Jerry. Man that dude is the luckiest b***ard ever! What is his scene count now 3 times?

Roll on October then:nanner:
Re: FTV Girl, Lia19

Vivid has stopped new productions cause AIDS ......

Here's a solution while we wait for results. :condom:

Or just do more Lesbian porn instead! ;) I dont mind.

Hope Lia is OK though and not directly or indirectly affected. I guess we won't be seeing any new stuff from VIVID for some time then. :dunno: