Just continue to focus on getting healthy. Everything else can wait.
Here is my latest health update:
A couple weeks ago I went to the hospital with extreme pain in my abdomen and looking pregnant (knowing I wasn't) and it turns out that I had a ruptured ovarian cyst that caused something called hemoperitoneum, so basically I was hemorrhaging in my abdomen. I was given blood plasma and some stuff to stop the active bleeding before I went in for surgery (on Friday the 13th) and they got a liter and a half of blood out of my abdomen while also doing the tubal ligation I requested at the same time (seeing as after my bilateral pulmonary embolisms I will no longer be able to ever be on any form of hormonal therapy, including birth control) so WHEW! I got my second near death experience over with this year as well as took care of my desire to have no more children and be protected as far as pregnancy goes when I am shooting. I thought all was good and I would be able to shoot at least boy/girl again soon but let's fast forward to last week...
So last week I was in the hospital twice with excruciating pain again, and turns out that although it has not burst (yet, hopefully not ever) there is definitely another ovarian cyst there which is likely to be full of blood like the last one for the simple fact that blood thinners are a fucking bitch. I have a follow up with my gyno next week to keep an eye on this issue. I do have some good news (possibly?) is that I went to my hematologist yesterday and due to the hemoperitoneum I had a couple weeks ago and this new cyst I have developed they say the risk of staying on the blood thinners outweighs the benefits at this point so although they wanted to keep me on them until around march or April, they took me off of them. I am happy to be off of them but scared to be off of them earlier than is usually suggested after such a life threatening diagnoses such as bilateral pulmonary embolisms. I was basically told to really be careful and listen to my body because coming off of the blood thinners so soon there is a high risk of developing new clots but the risk is higher of me hemorrhaging to death if this new cyst ruptures if I stay on them. It's a catch 22 at this point but provided all goes well and we can find a way to resolve my current ovarian cyst and prevent new ones from forming (not sure what they will be able to do here since the usual treatment is birth control pills and I cannot be on ANY form of hormonal therapy for the rest of my life with my history of the bilateral PE's) I should be back to shooting (including the butt sex since the blood thinners are now out of the equation) soon !
I will continue to keep you all updated and thank you for sticking with me and eagerly awaiting my return.
just for a random break, here is "hotline bling"
Well as much as we cant wait to see you shoot again, your health is WAY more important. Take care of yourself 1st and I look forward to seeing you do what you do again( cough*kink* cough)
I am not the only one going through health issues, Jack is now so please check out this link and help if you can, if by nothing else by sharing
Thank youHope you both get better soon.
Trust me kink is at the top of my list!!!!!!
Welcome to the Leya Empire!Hey Leyla! just checking you out for the first time and oh my goodness my cock is hard for you!
Thank you for letting me knowhttp://board.freeones.com/showthread.php?819893-OCSM-of-the-Week-2015/page142 Just wanted to let you know that you are in the play in round for the finals of the year. Also been busy so haven't gotten a chance to be around much but hope you get to feeling better.
Which part of kink? I know what id vote![]()
everything butt.
Just being silly ol' me![]()
I'd enjoy that as long as I didn't have to fuck the sub with anything more than a strap on.[/QUOTE]That'll be amazing no doubt!!! I for sure have to throw a vote for Divine bitches, I bet you'd be incredible in that.
I'd enjoy that as long as I didn't have to fuck the sub with anything more than a strap on.
you're asking me to fuck you in the ass with a strap on? have you ever SEEN the brutality I dish out??