Let's Talk about Pizzagate

The thing that makes me wonder if there might be something to all of this is a place that rhymes with "Vomit" is a place people like to go to eat.

the vomit comet is the name of the plane they use to create weightlessness.
by the way


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Well, If you WANT to believe somebody does evil things, and you regularily look in the right (alt-right) places, you will find something.

But be sure: For trying to make one of my most beloved foods evil, you will rot in your imaginary hell.

Dissecting the #PizzaGate
Conspiracy Theories

In the span of a few weeks, a false rumor that Hillary Clinton
and her top aides were involved in various crimes snowballed
into a wild conspiracy theory that they were running a
child-trafficking ring out of a Washington pizza parlor. The fast
evolution of the false theory revealed how a powerful mix of fake
news and social media led an armed North Carolina man to
investigate the rumors about the pizza place, Comet Ping Pong, last Sunday.

How the #PizzaGate conspiracy theory evolved

WikiLeaks began releasing emails hacked from the account of John Podesta, Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, a month before the election.

Social media users on a popular Reddit forum dedicated to Donald J. Trump and 4chan’s far-right fringe message board searched the releases for evidence of wrongdoing.

Within the emails were discussions that include the word pizza, including dinner plans between Mr. Podesta and his lobbyist brother, Tony Podesta.

A participant on 4chan connected the phrase “cheese pizza” to pedophiles, who on chat boards use the initials “c.p.” to denote child pornography.

Following the use of “pizza,” theorists focused on the Washington pizza restaurant Comet Ping Pong. The WikiLeaks emails revealed that John Podesta corresponded with Comet’s owner, James Alefantis, who had connections to Democratic operatives.

The theory started snowballing, taking on the meme #PizzaGate. Fake news articles emerged and were spread on Twitter and Facebook.

The false stories swept up neighboring businesses and bands that had played at Comet. Theories about kill rooms, underground tunnels, satanism and even cannibalism emerged in fabricated stories and on social media.

On Dec. 4, Edgar M. Welch, a 28-year-old from North Carolina, arrived at Comet with a military-style rifle and a handgun. The police said he fired the rifle inside the pizzeria, hurting no one, and surrendered after finding no evidence to support claims of child slaves being held there.

The shooting did not put the theory to rest. Purveyors of the theory and fake news pointed to the mainstream media as conspirators of a coverup to protect what they said was a crime ring.

The conspiracy theory took the internet by storm. YouTube clips pushed the false story, racking up hundreds of thousands of views. Tens of thousands of individuals subscribed to message boards, feeding into theories with fake news reports and crowd-driven detective work. The police refuted the claims of an online pedophile ring running out of Comet Ping Pong, but the theories continued. Here are eight that gave #PizzaGate momentum.

Claim: Podesta’s leaked emails
contained secret code language.

Combing through John Podesta’s leaked emails, members of a far-right fringe community on the social media site 4chan and Trump supporters on Reddit pulled out a number of emails unconnected to politics. Several of them mentioned pizza or other Italian food.

Did you leave a handkerchief
FROM: Susan Sandler
TO: John Podesta
The realtor found a handkerchief (I think it has a map that seems pizza-related. Is it yorus? They can send it if you want. I know you’re busy, so feel free not to respond if it’s not yours or you don’t want it.
Source: Wikileaks
FROM: John Podesta
TO: Susan Sandler
It's mine, but not worth worrying about.
Source: Wikileaks
The most cited email revolved around a handkerchief left at a house Mr. Podesta visited with a real estate agent. It led to speculation that the handkerchief and map on it were clues to some sort of wrongdoing.

Claim: The emails contained
coded messages about pedophilia.

The term “cheese pizza” had previously been used on 4chan as code for “child pornography.” An anonymous user speculated that other food-related terms could also have double meanings.


comet pizza is still selling at a low 9.99 for a 3 topping pie- your choice of thick or thin crest

Will E Worm

LOL This clip isn't even about pizzagate.
But the title states: PIZZAGATE is real

I know. But, cults and sex trafficking are real.

This is why Pizzagate and people like Podesta and Epstein; and Epstein's island all need to be investigated.

Then why present something as fact that isn't?

But, cults and sex trafficking are real.

This is why Pizzagate and people like Podesta and Epstein; and Epstein's island all need to be investigated.

I don't buy the "pedophile island" scenario at all. But if it is true it might cause some major problems for your man Donald, who's had some good things to say about Epstein in the past, and has allegedly visited his estate several times.


Hiliary 2020
best to let it go

yeah for now or maybe forever.
Nothing new has come out plus the Fake News is using it to promote their fake fake news bullshit.
Even bookface has gone Red China and are going to start using the dying NYT to decide what is fake news.
Well I guess the NYT's could use the work.

Anyway, nothing new in this.
Oh, and if anybody here actually believes that the professional actor with an imdb page actually went in there and shot the place up in order to find children actually did that, and did it on his own and he wasn't sent there by the same traitors who create all the other fake shootings you might be an idiot.

Maybe they'll jut blow it up next who knows.


the special one
Oh, and if anybody here actually believes that the professional actor with an imdb page actually went in there and shot the place up in order to find children actually did that, and did it on his own and he wasn't sent there by the same traitors who create all the other fake shootings you might be an idiot

better a witty fool than a foolish wit ...


Hiliary 2020
better a witty fool than a foolish wit ...

Or a messy fool than a cessy pool.

Hi my name is Edgar M. Welch . The M stands for Maddison.
Thats with 2 M's, 1 s. Look how scary I am.

My father was a director for "Protect a Child" organization in Haiti just were the Clintons were so involved in and according to podesta emails used their power to get a woman named Laura Silsby who was arrested with kidnapping 33 or so Hatian children FREE and able to leave the country.
My Father is a Deacon in his church and was voted Father of the Year his my Church but he also owns a Movie Production company who specializes in gruesome slasher movies.

I like to post pictures of myself on social media holding guns just like all the other mass shooters during the Obama years.

I am a professional actor who has been in several movies. Check my IMDB page for details.

I was arrested in November for running down a teenager and either killing him or at least putting him in critical condition.

I then showed up at Comet Pizza and shot up the place then casually turned myself in.
I did this because people on yootoob told me there were kids being held prisoner inside the pizza place.
I did this knowing that I would probably spend the next 20 years in state prison.
I dont know why witnesses who were in the pizza place posted that there were no shots fired as they casually walked out taking with them their pizza and beers while a guy with a large automatic weapon was spraying bullets around their heads.

Too bad all the CC cameras on that street were moved the day before so they couldnt see the pizza place or you could have seen it for yourself.

And too bad all the cops who had been stationed outside that pizza place for weeks beforehand didnt see me enter with my giant rifle or shotgun depending on what story you read.

But good thing a civilian took some home video of me getting arrested after just several minutes in the pizza place.
I have no idea how they managed to get so many cops there so fast and tape off the entire street during an active shooting within minutes of being called.
And like all the other mass shootings not an ambulance to be found.

Good thing the random civillian who filmed my arrest was an exectutive producer for FOX NEWS who even mentioned "Fake News" while he filmed it.

And if you believe any of this is true you need to have your head examined.

Will E Worm

Then why present something as fact that isn't?

Because, this "pizzagate" is referencing worldwide human trafficking.

I don't buy the "pedophile island" scenario at all. But if it is true it might cause some major problems for your man Donald, who's had some good things to say about Epstein in the past, and has allegedly visited his estate several times.

Well, that is where he took many of the victims.

That island needs to be raided.

If Trump is guilty then he needs to be arrested as well.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Is there any update from the police? They must have gotten something vital out from all those witnesses by now


Please Jerk Responsibly
please inform me when there is probable cause to arrest someone, ANYONE

I have stated many times there is no direct proof that children are being harmed.
I have only stated that the emails, posts and comments have strong pedo masochistic implications.
I simply asked a simple question. What makes any of you so sure that these people aren't into kids?

call the thought police

where is the evidence of a crime ?


Hiliary 2020

No it's not well put.
It's lame.

I can't believe people would put politics, or anything else ahead of the possibilty of children being harmed.
Isnt that what the police are for anyway.
Its very simple. A police man, or woman, contacts Mr Jimmy Comet and his social media friends and asks them to come talk.
Or the police can just go to them.

Then the cop asked, "Mr. Comet are you assossiated with this picture and or comment?
"What did you mean by that?

And then you go from there. If it hits a wall its done. If it doesn't it doesn't.

That is all normal people want to be done about this matter.
And if any of us were posting creepy stuff with pedo masochistic implications trust me the police would come to ask you about it.
And if you have children there is a good chance they would be taken from you immediately, especially if you have a penis.

But Mr Alefantis has connections to Obama, Clinton, David Brock and Soros so he is above the law.
Nobody dare ask him a question if they want to keep their job.

Amazing how the GOV and Media has actually brainwashed people to side with them no matter what.
Just look at all the idiots protesting Trump over what the media and gov have told them, which is nothing but lies.

Thats some strong propaganda techiques when you can get the people who you are fucking over in every possible way to protest against your opposition for you.

So I keep trying to let this go but then I see more propagandized ignorance popping up.

So I ask any of you. What would be the harm of some questions being asked of these people?
That violates no rights btw.
I despise Hillary Clinton..despise her.

Her and Podesta aren't diddling kiddies at a pizza joint.

Really, they aren't.


Hiliary 2020
I despise Hillary Clinton..despise her.

Her and Podesta aren't diddling kiddies at a pizza joint.

Really, they aren't.

This is what I'm talking about.
That statement tells me that all your information about this comes from the msm.

I make a post saying a few questions wouldnt hurt and I get responded with something that I never said?
Some stupid smug words.

Did I say HC and creepy Podesta are diddling kids at a pizza joint?
So then why are you saying I did?

Shit like this that makes me understand why only a few people are here anymore.
No it's not well put.
It's lame.

I can't believe people would put politics, or anything else ahead of the possibilty of children being harmed.
Isnt that what the police are for anyway.
Its very simple. A police man, or woman, contacts Mr Jimmy Comet and his social media friends and asks them to come talk.
Or the police can just go to them.

Then the cop asked, "Mr. Comet are you assossiated with this picture and or comment?
"What did you mean by that?

And then you go from there. If it hits a wall its done. If it doesn't it doesn't.

That is all normal people want to be done about this matter.
And if any of us were posting creepy stuff with pedo masochistic implications trust me the police would come to ask you about it.
And if you have children there is a good chance they would be taken from you immediately, especially if you have a penis.

But Mr Alefantis has connections to Obama, Clinton, David Brock and Soros so he is above the law.
Nobody dare ask him a question if they want to keep their job.

Amazing how the GOV and Media has actually brainwashed people to side with them no matter what.
Just look at all the idiots protesting Trump over what the media and gov have told them, which is nothing but lies.

Thats some strong propaganda techiques when you can get the people who you are fucking over in every possible way to protest against your opposition for you.

So I keep trying to let this go but then I see more propagandized ignorance popping up.

So I ask any of you. What would be the harm of some questions being asked of these people?
That violates no rights btw.

well put- means an investigation needs to be done you cant aarrest people on results of a freeones chat thread
your very sensitive- this thread is really stupid like the chemtrails thread.