Hiliary 2020
Georges No.
No No No No No.
There is no such thing. This is all fake.
All fake it is I tell ya.
There is no such thing as pedos among the rich especially in DC.
Not possible.
Anybody who thinks John Podesta and his brother may be into children based on their own words is a nutjob.
Anybody who thinks he should be checked into is a lunatic.
He is with Hiliary.
And ain't nobody no how gonna think that a person very very close to Miss Hiliary might be a bad person who does bad things.
She is as pure as the driven snow. Totally honest and uncorrupted.
So if you say anything negative about her or anybody close to her you should be censured from all internet sites because you are spreading false news and hatred.
See the people around here know for sure without a doubt that Podesta is a good man.
Most know him personally I believe.
No way he's into messed up stuff except for the spirit cooking, pedo masochistic and cannibalistic art, and talking about children in creepy ways in emails that have sexual indications.
Go to sleep now. When you wake up everything will be just fine.