Let's Talk about Pizzagate


Hiliary 2020

Georges No.
No No No No No.

There is no such thing. This is all fake.
All fake it is I tell ya.
There is no such thing as pedos among the rich especially in DC.
Not possible.

Anybody who thinks John Podesta and his brother may be into children based on their own words is a nutjob.
Anybody who thinks he should be checked into is a lunatic.
He is with Hiliary.
And ain't nobody no how gonna think that a person very very close to Miss Hiliary might be a bad person who does bad things.
She is as pure as the driven snow. Totally honest and uncorrupted.
So if you say anything negative about her or anybody close to her you should be censured from all internet sites because you are spreading false news and hatred.
See the people around here know for sure without a doubt that Podesta is a good man.
Most know him personally I believe.
No way he's into messed up stuff except for the spirit cooking, pedo masochistic and cannibalistic art, and talking about children in creepy ways in emails that have sexual indications.

Go to sleep now. When you wake up everything will be just fine.



Retired Mod
Bronze Member
George actually seems to have a valid point:

Obviously, if there are people in Washington or elsewhere in the USA, they get investigated and go to face a judge.

Strangely enough, I still did not hear anybody get actually arrested over Pizzagate. Except the crazy guy whio stormed in with a gun.

That is because it iscrazy to begin with.

Yes, there are people with pedophilia everywhere. It'sd just this specific pizza story is cheesy.


Hiliary 2020
Oh Fuck the young jerks?
Supa this is a 100% propaganda channel. Look at the comments section. Its like 80% negative. Nobody buys their bullshit anymore.

Nothing is happening with this because nobody is going to investigate Podesta, his brother, Alefantis or his social media creepy friends.
Not even one question.

Not because "There's no evidence" or its "Fake News" but because of their connections with HC and David Brock.

So its basically done.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
We keep hearing about the MSM not investigating this story. The sources you provide aren't doing that either. This Pizzagate is being covered by lots of independents that you trust and this didn't just happen yesterday. Why haven't they gone any further than pizza = X and sausage = Y? This one is related to that one and it's been going on for years. Your media hasn't shown that they even tried to go beyond this.

The premise is that this a world wide thing. Somewhere in the world there has to be someone that had been a victim or a whistle blower that wants to get out of this lifestyle. If you want us to question our media and sources then you should do the same.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Oh Fuck the young jerks?
Supa this is a 100% propaganda channel. Look at the comments section. Its like 80% negative. Nobody buys their bullshit anymore.

Nothing is happening with this because nobody is going to investigate Podesta, his brother, Alefantis or his social media creepy friends.
Not even one question.

Not because "There's no evidence" or its "Fake News" but because of their connections with HC and David Brock.

So its basically done.

Your stance keeps remeinding me of a guy I had as a member of the Round Table in the community centr, who had tons of conspiracy theories, and one prime one was:

EVERY game in the german national soccer league is 100% rigged.

When asked how he images that could be kept upright for mor than a couple months, if it were so, as EVERYBODY involved would have to keep airtight 24/7, and this in an environment where people get drunk, where they get frustrated because their team loses badly, where people who are not very bright are in on it, he just said, "What do you think, they all know it's their death sentence iof anyone opens up? That is why it keeps a secret!" - Yeah, sure nobody knows about it, the best professional investigators don't know shit, but some random guy who has no actual personal insight on the league, zero contacts, he knows.

EXACTLY the same with you. How often have you been to the pizzeria in question? How often have you talked with the people in question?

You have ZERO actual knowledge, and you talk bullshit.


Hiliary 2020
who keeps necrobumping this thread

Not me. I keep saying its dead now.
But now I'm being told that I myself or the indepenant media should go track down John Podesta and James Alefantis, and maybe even Soros, Clinton, and Soetoro themselves and ask them questions.
Sorry but I value my freedom and my life a little too much to do that.

See I'm fucking crazy because I think that adults who have artwork depicting children in pedo masochistic ways, artwork of torture and cannalbilism with plenty of blood, and who writes of young children in very creepy ways in numerous emails should at least be questioned about it.
And a bunch of weirdos posting the same type of shit all over social media should be questioned also.

But I'm nuts for thinking that. There is a 100% chance the people I mention are not into actually harming children. THey just like to look at pictures that depict that.

So its a dead issue.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
There is a 100% chance the people I mention are not into actually harming children. THey just like to look at pictures that depict that.

I looked for the evidence you just mentioned, there was nothing to be found. What I did find was some cover art for a punk rock band that's somehow connected to this particular pizzeria, a bit odd, but by that metric Motely Crue are Satanists. Is that the totality of what you're referring to? Because it if is, there's nothing there. Oh, and there was a picture of some kid whose hands were taped to a table with masking tape, not sure of the context of that particular image, looked like some kind of birthday party game. I was unable to find anything else and you really should have stronger evidence before you level such serious charges.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah

Horse shit. It's your belief that your independent sources of information are credible enough to uncover facts. They can't because it's not there.

You have been duped and can't muster up enough ego to admit it.

Why doesn't someone investigate FreeOnes? Thousands of posts and pictures from anonymous people with suggestive innuendos and comments. I'm sure there could be a trace to people that work for the government.

At least a dozen times you said that you are done and finished with this topic. Willing to drop and let go.. but you can't. Why? You've got to be the smartest guy in the room. The world is wrong and you are right. You can't let it go. You will never let it go. The voices in your head tell you not to. You will keep responding as long as you get attention.

These past 10 pages have been for our amusement just like the Illuminati, satanic atheists, JFK, chemtrails, spooky ghosts, space aliens, and lizard men. Get rid of the tin foil hat and maybe some of your relatives will invite you over to their place for some wings and a football game or movie. Life is short.

Bet up: 100 FreeOnes points. Meester can't go a week without coming back to this thread. Any takers?
one of the first orders of business for the new president and the new congress is to enact a law placing a moratorium on the word "gate" at the end of any scandal, real, or in this case, pulled out of someone's ass on 4chan.

replace it with "ghazi" in the meantime.
one of the first orders of business for the new president and the new congress is to enact a law placing a moratorium on the word "gate" at the end of any scandal, real, or pulled out of someone's ass on 4chan.

replace it with "ghazi" in the meantime.

:clap: :clap:


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
You must spread some personal touching around before personally touching animus fox again.

I don't make the rules, I just follow them.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Throw all the conspiracy theory bullshit into a category all it's own- Dumbfuckghazi.
You must spread some rep around before personally touching animus fox and x fire again.
I do not want to see sexual harassment suits from this post


Hiliary 2020
One more time I will say this then I not responding to it again.
I have been saying all along that I am not sure about this.

Many here are saying they are sure 100% that it's nothing because somehow they know.
Unless something new comes out there is no reason to bump this one anymore.