You E Pimps are fugging hilarious. She is one of the hottest most desired women in pron today and you guys act like she has a third eye or something. Post up some pics of the hot ass chicks your bangin down. Hearing you guys bitch is funny.
Put it this way, I would fuck her in the middle of the showroom where I work and give all my coworkers 15 minutes to stop traffic and draw a crowd.
You fags kill me.
Nope, I'm sorry, I still would not give my left nut and or cut off my dick to sleep with her, or walk over broken glass to sniff her panties. No, I'm pretty sure if she bought my overwieght lonely ass a drink in a club I would certainly turn her down and in fact I would be insulted that she would deign to try to filth up my considerably tiny cock with her only slightly distended yet gentle looking pussy.
The bitch. I'm way too good for her. My mommy says so.